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School Libraries

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CCBC Starred Review Days

Guest post by the Cooperative Children's Book Center

This fall, the Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) will be holding CCBC Starred Review Days November 18-22. During the week, the CCBC sets up all of the Copyright 2024 books they have received to-date, which received a starred review in one more professional journals, in the CCBC conference room for easy hands-on book examination.

Starred Review Days Schedule:

Love of Literacy and Learning: Celebrating School Library Month

Literature, poetry, coding, robotics, and solar eclipses are just some of the learning topics covered across school libraries in Wisconsin. During School Library Month, DPI’s Assistant State Superintendent for the Division for Libraries and Technology Dr. Darrell Williams traveled approximately 1500 miles in April to visit school and public libraries across the state to celebrate and honor our library media specialists who are helping our young people with a love of literacy and learning.
