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School Libraries

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Celebrate Libraries this April!

April is the perfect month to celebrate libraries of all types!

The entire month of April is School Library Month. School Library Month has been celebrated since 1985 by the American Association of School (AASL) Librarians, a division of the American Library Association (ALA). School Library Month is a fantastic time to celebrate the essential role that strong school libraries play in transforming learning. AASL's School Library Month website has many resources to promote School Library Month in your own community.

Successful Summer Reading Program School Visits

Each community and school library is unique. This means your community will have its own recipe for a successful summer reading program (SRP) visit. Consider our tips and ideas when planning your visits!

Making a Summer Reading Program Visit a Success: Public Librarian’s Guide

  1. Determine how your school librarian prefers to communicate. Start with email, and offer to connect via phone or in-person if preferred.

Dual Membership in WLA and WEMTA Extends Your Network

Belonging to professional organizations creates opportunities for growth, avenues for networking, and expands our community of practice. Belonging to TWO organizations can double your opportunities without doubling your financial investment! The Wisconsin Library Association (WLA) and the Wisconsin Educational Media and Technology Association (WEMTA) are both rich with value for their members, and they offer discounts to members who join both.

WLA/YSS Highlights

Beanstack is Growing in Wisconsin!

In April 2020, the Division for Libraries and Technology began supporting public libraries and library users by launching a statewide online reading challenge platform and mobile app, Beanstack, to support summer library programming and future reading initiatives through 2023. The success of Beanstack and the excitement it is generating throughout the state inspired another initiative to support young readers in Wisconsin, Beanstack for school libraries!
