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Technology Education Math Equivalency Resources

The Department of Public Instruction is committed to expanding opportunities for students to meet graduation requirements. In the Summer of 2011, Wisconsin released information about establishing local math equivalency credit to technology and engineering courses as well as Project Lead the Way (PLTW) courses.

Please feel free to contact Jake Mihm, Technology and Engineering consultant, at (608) 665-9254 if you have any questions about the math equivalency credit process.

Informational Resources:


TEE Mathematics Crosswalks:

The following documents are tools for crosswalking TEE classes that are non-PLTW courses to determine mathematics content bases on Common Core State Standards.

  • Sample TEE Mathematics Crosswalk - Crosswalk Template in Word format should be used by districts to input local course curriculum. Previous sample crosswalk templates may be used until February 1st, 2016. After this date, school districts must use this new crosswalk template which was updated to provide flexibility for districts to document standards that have been locally approved.

PLTW and Mathematics Crosswalks:

Significant Mathematics Content

The course below has significant mathematics content when crosswalked with the Mathematics Common Core Standards.

Some Mathematics Content

The course below has some mathematics content when crosswalked with the Mathematics Common Core Standards.

Minimal Mathematics Content

The courses below have minimal mathematics content when crosswalked with the Mathematics Common Core Standards.