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CCBC Recommended Books Database Video Tutorial

Monday, March 29, 2021

As a long-standing partner with DPI, the Cooperative Children’s Book Center (CCBC) is a foundational resource for Wisconsin educators and librarians. Recently on the blog, we’ve highlighted CCBC Choices 2021 and the new CCBC website with enhanced searching.

The CCBC librarians have created a video tutorial (14 min, includes transcript) walking through ways to use the enhanced search features, including how to search by diversity subjects such as “Gender Nonconformity,” “Muslim,” or “Cognitive/Neurological Disability/Condition.” The creation and expansion of inclusive libraries and classrooms with authentic, engaging literature has never been more critical.

CCBC Diversity Book Search screen captureThe CCBC recommends a wide range of books for children and teens from birth through high-school age, most of which have been selected for various editions of their annual best-of-the-year list, CCBC Choices. Explore books they have recommended using resources such as: Recommended Books Search, Booklists, CCBC Choices, and the Charlotte Zolotow Award.

Database development for the enhanced CCBC book searches was made possible with the support of DPI through Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Written by Tessa Michaelson Schmidt (Library Services Team), with details provided by Megan Schliesman (CCBC)

See also:
The Cooperative Children's Book Center Releases CCBC Choices 2021 from March 17, 2021
New CCBC Website with Enhanced Search Features from August 27, 2020



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