Tuesday, October 27, 2020
You’re invited to Wisconsin’s Government Information Day on Friday, November 13, 2020, from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. This year's conference is free to all who are interested and will be held online via GoToMeeting.
Sessions include:
- The political context of the 2020 Census with Dr. Margo Anderson, emeritus professor of history at UW-Milwaukee
- Census data tools with trainers from the Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of Commerce
- Legal reference with Carol Hassler, Wisconsin State Law Library
- Open discussion about COVID-19 and its impact on our libraries
- And updates from Wisconsin state and federal depository librarians!
Visit the Wisconsin Library Association (WLA) webpage for complete program information and a link to register. A Wisconsin Library Association account must be created in order to register; however, WLA membership is not required. All are welcome!
Blog post written by: Abby Swanton, Resources for Libraries and Lifelong Learning
For questions about this information, contact Abby Swanton (608) 224-6174