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Important Updates: Annual Report and Record Keeping Resources

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Here’s to a January fresh start on important record keeping and reporting!

The information below pertains to year-round data collection as well as completing the annual report. The new resources specifically address programs and self-directed activities.

  1. Programming and Activity Count tracker workbook (Excel). Use the programming and activity count tracker workbook to easily compile your program counts and attendance to report on the Public Library Annual Report.
  2. Keeping Track: Recording Program Statistics in the Wisconsin Public Library Annual Report—A Digital Byte from Wisconsin Valley Library Service (Video 32:29 min)
    Anne Hamland and Tessa Michaelson Schmidt share how to track program statistics and walk you through a new tool that you can use to track them. Transcript

Important updates for 2020:

  • The term “self-directed activity” replaces the term “drop-in activity.” A self-directed activity is a planned, independent activity available for a definite time period which introduces individuals participating to any of the broad range of library services or activities which directly provide information to participants. Examples of these types of passive activities include DIY stations, 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten reading program, and Frequent Reader Club.
  • The data element “literacy offerings” has been removed from the annual report. More comprehensive statistics about summer library programming in Wisconsin public libraries are collected through the end-of-summer survey from the Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP).

We hope these tools and changes help make the best possible impact on local, system, state, and national levels.

Written by:
Tessa Michaelson Schmidt
Public Library Development Team

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