These new resources are now available in BadgerLink! Recently added as “bonus” databases in our latest EBSCO contract renewal, we will have access to the following resources through at least June 30, 2022, if not longer depending on the next renewal. Status and general information about our contracts is available on our website.
Brand new resources include:
- Advanced Placement Source Full-text journals and magazines for high school students enrolled in various Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) courses
- Computers & Applied Science Complete Full-text database covering computing, technology and engineering disciplines
- Poetry & Short Story Reference Center Full-text classic and contemporary poems, short stories, biographies, essays, lesson plans and learning guides
- Small Engine Repair Detailed, user-friendly repair guides for all manner of small engines
Upgrades include:
- Literary Reference Center Plus (Upgrade from Literary Reference Center) Collection of literary criticism and reference works
- MAS Complete (Upgrade from MAS Ultra- School Edition) Designed specifically for high schools, a collection of popular magazines, books, and multimedia covering a wide-range of subject areas
If you are currently linking to Literary Reference Center and/or MAS Ultra- School Edition on your library or school website, please update your BadgerLink Resource URLs immediately. See this blog post for the links and more details.
Written by Jen Champoux, BadgerLink Technical Support & Training Specialist, Division for Libraries and Technology.