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Virtual COLAND listening session on the PLSR Steering Committee Final Report

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Register to Connect on Tuesday, April 30 from 2 to 3:30 pm, via Skype


The Public Library System Redesign (PLSR) Steering Committee recently submitted the final Recommendation Report to the State Superintendent, Carolyn Stanford Taylor. In response to the report, Ms. Stanford Taylor requested a final opportunity for community input. To fulfill this request the Council on Library and Network Development (COLAND) scheduled four listening sessions throughout the state, which were completed last week. COLAND will also conduct a "virtual" listening session, hosted through DPI's Skype. The session will be conducted next Tuesday, April 30, from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm. Registration is required for this session in order to maintain an orderly progression of responses. To register for the session, complete this form with your email address, full name, and your library and system affiliation. You will then receive an email response with the link to the Skype session, along with a reminder message next Tuesday morning. During the session, an online form will be provided for those who do not have a microphone or prefer to submit their comments in writing, as was the case at the in-person sessions.

Please feel free to share this information and the registration link with anyone who was unable to attend one of the in-person listening sessions, including trustees, other librarians, or interested public. The feedback, both from the in-person sessions and the virtual sessions, will be compiled and made available to COLAND members for their next regular meeting on May 10 at the Tomahawk School District. 

Written by John DeBacher, Public Library Development



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