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Whitewater Unified School District

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IDEA Complaint Decision 09-057

On August 11, 2009, the Department of Public Instruction received a complaint under state and federal special education law from XXXXX against the Whitewater Unified School District. This is the department’s decision regarding that complaint. The issues are whether the district, in September 2008, improperly restrained a student with a disability and properly implemented the student’s individualized education program (IEP) regarding the provision of behavioral interventions and supports.

IDEA Complaint Decision 07-051

On June 25, 2007, the Department of Public Instruction received a complaint under state and federal special education law from XXXXX against the Whitewater School District. This is the department’s decision regarding that complaint. The issue is whether the district properly protected confidentiality of records and properly responded to a parent’s requests for access to records between January and June 2007.

IDEA Complaint Decision 09-075

On November 23, 2009, the Department of Public Instruction received a complaint under state and federal special education law from XXXXX against the Whitewater Unified School District. This is the department’s decision regarding that complaint. The issues are whether the district, during the 2009-2010 school year, properly reduced the student’s schedule and properly developed the student’s post-secondary goal.