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Course Transcript

Course Transcript: WISEdata

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For Xello Users Only: In an effort to help integrate the Course Planner tool from the Xello Student Information System (SIS), DPI has developed an integration that enables Xello to retrieve course transcripts from the WISEdata API and store them back into the Course Planner tool.

Course transcript data is not displayed on the student page in WISEdata Portal, however, school districts may download the Course Transcript export to view what their SIS vendor sent to the WISEdata API.

Course Transcript Data

Course Transcript is the final record of a student's performance in their courses at the end of a semester or school year. Below are the data elements associated with the Course Transcripts resource:

  • Course Code: A unique alphanumeric code assigned to a course. This is State Course Code.
  • Alternative Course Code: The local course code assigned by the LEA.
  • Alternative Course Title: The descriptive name given to a course of study offered in the school, if different from the SCED Course Title.
  • Earned Credits: The value of credits or units of value awarded for the completion of a course. Required for high school courses (usually 0.5 , 1, 2).
  • When Taken Grade Level: Student's grade level at the time of course.
  • Final Letter Grade Earned: The final indicator of student performance in a class as submitted by the instructor.
  • Final Numeric Grade Earned: The final indicator of student performance in a class as submitted by the instructor.
  • Term Descriptor: A descriptor value indicating the term the course is taken. For example, 1st Semester, Annual, etc.
  • Course Attempt Result: The result from the student's attempt to take the course. For example, Pass, Fail, Incomplete, or Withdrawn.

USES: Course Transcript is an optional integration for SIS vendors. SIS vendors that implemented this integration will send the course transcripts to the WISEdata API, which allows Xello to get the data directly through the WISEdata API instead of relying on flat files and exports. School districts may need to check their SIS Ed-Fi configuration and make sure Course Transcript and Student Academic Record are enabled.


FAQs, Details, and Points to Note

  1. Summer school enrollment and roster data are not sent to WISEdata. How can SIS vendors report summer courses in Course Transcripts? A course transcript should be school agnostic. SIS vendors will submit course transcripts using a Student Academic Record (SAR) at the current school, but it should reflect the entirety of the student’s course history. Course transcripts should reflect the courses taken at other schools regardless of whether those courses are offered at the current school or they were taken during summer.
  2. For the 12-grade students at the beginning of the school year, does DPI expect a Course Transcript record for classes students are in and do not yet have a reportable grade? Course transcript would not be expected for courses in progress, it is only expected for completed courses.
  3. How should Course Transcript be reported for courses taken in the previous years that no longer exist in the current DPI state course catalog? In cases where course codes no longer exist (deprecated) in the courses catalog, SIS vendors may use the 'T01 -T50' course codes.
  4. For a graduating student, should the SIS send an additional Student Academic Record (SAR) record with Diploma Type and Achievement Category with an ‘Annual’ term descriptor? Or, can SIS vendors add the diploma information on the most recent SAR record? SIS vendors are expected to send a SAR record with the diploma information and an ‘Annual’ term descriptor in addition to other SAR records that link to the student academic record for the session in which the course was taken.
  5. How should a course transcript be sent for a student who transferred into a school district, where they have prior transcript information entered manually but has no school association with those records? For course transcript, where or when the course is taken doesn’t matter. In the above scenario, SIS vendors may send one ‘Annual’ SAR record from where the student is currently enrolled; for all courses in the transcript.
  6. Should Course Transcripts be sent for all enrollment types (primary, coursework, and PPP)? Course transcripts are not expected from non-primary enrollments, i.e. coursework and PPP. The primary school district has to consolidate courses taken at both primary and non-primary enrollments and submit them to the WISEdata API. However, in an exceptional scenario where a student is primarily enrolled in a charter school and is taking high school classes in a non-primary school that can generate a transcript, then the non-primary school may submit course transcripts to the WISEdata API.

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