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Enrollment and Exit Date

School Enrollment and Exit Date: WISEdata

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The school enrollment date is the date a student initially receives educational services from a school during a period of continuous enrollment at a school. An exit date is the date a student withdraws or exits a school and no longer receives services. A separate enrollment and exit withdraw date pair is required for each continuous period of enrollment at any given school.


Enrollment status is not interrupted simply by truancy, suspensions, breaks in school sessions, or breaks during the operation of summer classes. Expulsions do not interrupt enrollment status if the student continues to receive his or her primary PK-12 educational services through the school.


Enrollment status at a school could be interrupted by transfer to another school or any other situation described in the list of exit types. Students in these situations who are known to have left the school should have an exit withdraw date.

The exit withdraw date is the date before transfer to another school (last date in a seat at school), the date on which a student graduated, the date official evidence is received or documented that the student left the school, or the date a student died, whichever comes first.

For continuing students, the exit date is the last day of attendance for the school year. Every year you must exit all students at the end of the school year, usually in May or June. You want to make sure your dropouts, high school completers, and continuing students are in place with exit dates and exit types first. However, if upcoming grads are still working to finish a class or two, you can put in either their last day of school or the last day of completed work for the exit date when they complete the requirements.

Date Description/Comments
Day Day of the month student enrolled or exited
Month Month of the year student enrolled or exited
Year Year the student enrolled or exited

USES: This data element is required for Choice and public schools. Enrollment and exit dates will be used for multiple data collection, reporting, and accountability purposes including logic checks, routing of email requests and notifications, student counts on count dates, discipline incidents, duration of enrollment at a school, calculation of certain fields/codes and more.

FAQs, Details, and Points to Note

  1. Withdrawal/Exit Evidence: Official withdrawal/exit evidence is based on school policy and may include, but is not limited to, the following:

    • formal records transfer request from another school,

    • formal withdrawal document signed by a parent or adult student indicating that the student transferred to another school,

    • completed PI 1206 home-based private educational program registration form,

    • documentation of steps taken for contacting parents under Wis. stats. s.118.16 (5) due to habitual truancy have been followed with no response from the parents/guardian,

    • documentation that describes the efforts to locate a student and which results in a district determination that the student is no longer resident in the district,

    • verbal or written verification from another school that the student has enrolled,
    • confirmation in WISE that the student has been enrolled in another school.


  2. Home-based Private Education: 

    Official withdrawal/exit evidence is based on school policy and may include, but is not limited to, the following: 

    completed PI 1206 home-based private educational program registration form. A parent who is planning to provide a home-based private educational program may withdraw his or her child from a public or private school. The parent should notify the district of intent to homeschool.
    • The student is considered enrolled in the home-based private educational program as of the date the completed form PI 1206 is received by DPI. Parents must submit the PI 1206 on or before October 15th each year.
    • When a parent declares intent to submit the PI 1206 on or before October 15th, but has not yet done so, the district should exit the student. If the PI 1206 is not received by the deadline, then the student is considered truant.
    • After October 15th, if a parent withdraws his or her child prior to submitting the PI 1206, then the child is considered truant.
  3. Private Correspondence/Virtual Schools: Students enrolled in a privately-operated correspondence/virtual school are considered enrolled in a home-based private educational program, and the registration form PI 1206 must be filed. Students enrolled in Wisconsin Virtual Charter schools are public school students. 
  4. Exit Date Corresponding with sSEPA Record End Date: A district should not continue to keep a student enrolled after they have graduated. An early graduate is counted as a completer within their cohort and graduating early does not negatively impact a school's completion rate. However, if a student graduates early and their sSEPA enrollment continues, there will likely be a negative impact on attendance rate, since that sSEPA enrollment would result in the student being counted absent for the remainder of the school year after the graduation/exit date. As such, special ed early graduates' sSEPA records and enrollment records should end on the same day - the day on which graduation requirements were fulfilled and the student stopped receiving services. For example, if a student earned their diploma on  1/12/22 and stopped attending school at that time, the enrollment should be ended on 1/12/22 with the HSC exit type, the credential information should be sent to WISEdata, and the sSEPA record should be ended on 1/12/22 with exit reason E. A student will not be counted as a special education graduate if the sSEPA record ends before the enrollment record ends. 
  5. Expulsions Without Services: A student who has been expelled WITHOUT services, temporarily or permanently, should be exited from the school. Submit an Exit Date. 
    • Early Reinstatement Conditions: The exit date for a student who is expelled with early reinstatement conditions under s. 120.13(1)(h) but who is NOT receiving services should be the date of the school board expulsion order unless an earlier date applies. An earlier date may apply, for example, if the student transferred to another district before the date of the expulsion order.
    • More information about expulsions can be found on the Discipline: Info, Help and FAQ page.
  6. Expelled Students Receiving Off-site Services: If the currently expelled student is a child with an IEP, the resident district continues to have FAPE responsibility. Under federal and state law, a student with an IEP must continue to receive a free, appropriate public education, even when expelled. This means that the student must continue to receive educational services so that the student can continue to make progress in the general education curriculum and toward their IEP goals. A school district cannot refuse an IEP team evaluation or refuse to provide a free appropriate public education to a child with an IEP who has been expelled from another school district. 
    • A student with an IEP receiving services after an expulsion would be counted in both the Third Friday of September Count and October 1 Child Count, providing all of the other criteria for inclusion are met.
    • It is not relevant that the services are provided outside a school building, whether online or via teleconference, for example. This student should have a current enrollment in WISEdata associated with the district. The district may decide if a continuous enrollment will be reported or if the student will have an exit date the day prior to the expulsion and a new enrollment entered for the student to reflect the change to receiving these off-site services while expelled. The district is then responsible for all WISEdata reporting on this student.
    • More information about expulsions can be found on the Discipline: Info, Help and FAQ page.

  7. Student Moves at the Beginning or End of a School Term.
    • When a student completes school term A in a school and is not expected back at that school for school term B, then the exit date from that school is typically expected to be a date within school year A, most likely the end date of school term A (e.g., a date in early June).
    • When a student enrolls in a new school for fall, then an enroll date near the beginning of the school term is typically expected (e.g., a date in early September).
  8. Pre-Enrollment and Trial Enrollment. DPI does not allow pre-enrollment or trial enrollment for any school.
  9. County Jails and Detention Centers: The school district where a county jail or secure detention center is located is responsible for providing educational services for youth while they reside in such facilities. This will typically mean a movement between schools if the district where the facility is located is not the district where the parents live. The new district is expected to begin providing educational services after it is known that the student will be staying at the facility. Submission of a school enrollment record and provision of educational services (by the district where the county jail or secure detention center is located) would be expected after a student has been held for 96 clock hours. Although 72 hours is the limit for short-term detentions under Chapter 938, Stats, unless you know for certain the student will be staying at the facility, it may be best to wait until the 96-hour mark in case the student exits within the first few days to return to the former school. When a record is submitted, the enroll date should be the date the student initially receives educational services from the new district/school; this date might be within the initial 96-hour period even if the record is not submitted until after that period. 
  10. Hospitals: The school district where the hospital is located is responsible for providing educational services for students residing at the hospital. If the student resided in another district prior to admission, then submission of a new school enrollment record would generally be required. Although privacy laws may complicate communications about students residing at hospitals, the district and hospital may agree that the hospital will inform student patients and their families of the district's obligation to educate them and encourage parents to sign a release or contact the district so that educational services can be provided. 
  11. Foreign Exchange Students: A school board may permit a foreign exchange student to attend school in the school district without payment of tuition pursuant to s. 121.84(1)(c). Any such student participating in a foreign exchange program is treated the same as other students for WISEdata purposes. (The district of attendance, which may or may not be the district where the foreign exchange student temporarily resides, might also count the student on the PI-1563 membership report.) Foreign Exchange: For WISEdata inclusion purposes, we do not distinguish between students participating in foreign exchange programs and other students. However, schools must check the visa type of all foreign exchange students. Districts must submit a new data element, Visa Type, for all foreign exchange students. If the district does not know the visa type, then they must provide the visa type of F. For WISEdata, all foreign exchange students must be placed in the appropriate grade as determined by acquisition of credits. In general, foreign exchange students are expected to be working toward a Regular Wisconsin Diploma. Note, foreign exchange students holding a J-1 visa are here for cultural exchange, and DPI cannot report J-1 visa holders as graduates.
  12. Summer School: There is no summer enrollment or attendance data sent to WISEdata. DPI only wants enrollment and attendance for the regular school year. For each student who completes in the summer, it must be reported as a completion for the previous school year; it shouldn’t be rolled into the following school year. Summer HSC Exit status would be on the student’s prior year enrollment record. According to WI state law, if a student doesn’t complete his or her coursework and doesn’t get a diploma until after the start of the next school year, the student would count as a graduate in that following school year.
  13. Runaways: A student who has run away from home, is not attending school, and has an unknown location should have his or her enrollment managed according to school board policy. If the local policy withdraws the student from school, the Exit Date used must be either defined by the local policy or the last day the student attended class.
  14. Enrollment Overlap: Overlap of enrollment records is not expected; the previous school is expected to have an exit date the day prior (or earlier) to the student's enrollment date at the new school. If the student transfers schools between two district overlap is unlikely but may happen.
  15. Enrollment Overlap for 3rd Friday of September: If both schools are claiming that the students were present on Third Friday of September (TFS) and are unwilling to change the exit date and/or enrollment date, the error would remain in WISEdata Portal for both schools/school districts. WISEdash for Districts by default will count the student as Third Friday of September (TFS) eligible for the school district in which the student is currently enrolled.
  16. Choice Schools: 

    Do not report student enrollment to WISEdata when students do not attend your school.

    Choice enrollment processes may include entering Choice student data into your SIS prior to the school year. These enrollments should not be submitted if there is no attendance to report. Pupils can be counted on the 3rd Friday in September and 2nd Friday in January count reports if one of the following apply: 

    • Pupil was in attendance for instruction on the count date; or

    • Absent on the count date, but in attendance on at least one day before and one day after the count date and was not enrolled in another school or homeschooled during his or her absence.


  1. Logic checks for each other 
    There must be a logical relationship between enrollment dates and exit dates within and across schools and between these dates and the current transaction date.

  2. Assignment of a student's record to a school and district 
  3. Completion of a school term. 
    Completion of a school term is a factor in determining dropout year and signals the need for data about promotion.
  4. Duration of enrollment at a school or in a district, e.g., full academic year 
  5. Creation of outcome data for a school year, e.g., Third Friday of September collection records 


See also:

District (AKA Submitting District)
Exit Type
Sections 119.25 and 120.13 of the Wisconsin Statutes for more information about expulsions.


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