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Exit Type

Exit Type: WISEdata


Exit type describes the circumstances under which the student exited from a school. Exit type is required any time there is an exit date. Requirements that apply to districts also apply to non-district charter schools. The following table provides information about the exit types available.

Here is a list of Exit Types. For more information about when to use each type, see the Notes section below.



BCA Below Compulsory Age
CE Compassion Exit
DE Death
ETC Expected transfer/promotion to a new school covered by WISEdata. Not known to be continuing.
HSC High School Completion
INM International move. 
ISM Interstate move. Move to another state within the country. Not known to be continuing.
MA Reached Maximum Age for Services
ODO Other, Dropout, or Possible Dropout
TC Transfer to another WI school covered by WISEdata or continuing in the same school. Known to be continuing.
TNC Transfer to a WI school not covered by WISEdata. Known to be continuing.
TOS Transfer Out-of-State. Known to be continuing.

USES: This data element is required for Choice and public schools. Exit types will be used for multiple data collection, reporting, and accountability purposes. These purposes currently include dropout/high school completion/graduation rates, adequate yearly progress, and information system improvement. Federally mandated methods of calculating rates currently differ depending on the intended use of these data. 

FAQs, Details, and Points to Note: Click the links below to navigate to different sections of the FAQ

Decision Guide for Exit Types

If you need help determining the appropriate exit type, refer to the guides below:

Exit Code Description Types

BCA (Below Compulsory Age):

This exit type applies if a student was under age six on the school exit date.

When the BCA exit type is used on an enrollment, the accompanying Reason Exited Special Education used would be "E" - Exited district due to enrollment exit code.


CE (Compassion Exit):

Starting with the 2022-23 school year, DPI began collecting Compassion Exit (CE) as an Exit Withdraw Type Descriptor. The new Exit Type and validation rules apply to sensitive, extenuating cases limited to when a student is:

  • abducted and presumed dead,
  • terminally ill and no longer able to receive education services,
  • removed to an unknown location by ICE, or
  • unable to receive education services for the remainder of the school year due to mental health or addiction treatment and is expected to return during the next school year.

Upon each entry of the CE Exit Type, LEAs will receive Validation Warning 7163

When the CE exit type is used on an enrollment, the accompanying Reason Exited Special Education used would be "E" - Exited district due to enrollment exit code.

Use Cases:

  1. Abducted Students, Terminally Ill Students, and Students Removed to an Unknown Location by ICE: For sensitive cases where a student is abducted and presumed dead, terminally ill and no longer able to receive education services, or removed to an unknown location by ICE, a compassion exit process is available to remove the student from the graduation cohort and from dropout rates. Refer to the Exiting Students in Sensitive Cases page for detailed information.
  2. Runaways: See ODO Exit Type.
  3. Students in a Residential Care Center or Day Treatment Center: This is a scenario where a student has to prioritize their wellbeing (life) over school work. If a student is unable to receive education services for a portion/the remainder of the school year due to mental health or addiction treatment and is expected to return during the current/next school year, use the CE exit type. To use the compassion exit for a student in mental health or addiction treatment, your school must work with the DPI Customer Services Team by submitting a Help Ticket, to determine whether this exit type is valid for each student. Acknowledge the warning if the student is appropriately identified as requiring the compassion exit type. (NOTE: Select WISEdata Portal from the application dropdown list when creating the Help Ticket.)
  4. A student who is hospitalized is usually considered ‘homebound’ and would not fall under the Compassion Exit. The official definition of ‘homebound’ is: “temporarily not in proper physical or mental condition to attend a school program but who can be expected to return to a school program upon termination or abatement of the illness or condition”.
    • If the student does not have an IEP, then the district may exit the enrollment while the student is homebound; the ODO exit type would be used and changed to TC if the student returns.
    • A district may also keep the enrollment in place and submit days absent for the time the student is homebound. That is a local decision.
    • If the student has an IEP, then there is a stricter procedure to follow. This is described in detail in this documentation from the DPI Special Education team. It is recommended the district contact the DPI Special Education team to make sure all requirements are met. To contact the DPI Special Education Team, submit a Special Education Team Help Ticket, or call: 1 (608) 266-1781.
    • Refer to the DPI Uncommon Situations website for more details about homebound students and this additional documentation on homebound instruction.
DE (Death):

For deaths (Exit Type DE), a school or district must have written confirmation that a student is deceased before removing the student from the cohort (34 C.F.R. §200.19(b)(1)(ii)(B)). A letter from a parent or an obituary is sufficient documentation. Official written documentation of a student’s death, such as a death certificate, is not necessary.

When the DE exit type is used on an enrollment, the accompanying Reason Exited Special Education used would be "E" - Exited district due to enrollment exit code.

ETC (Expected Transfer, Continuing):

Use this exit type if:

  • the student has moved to another WI school district AND
  • is not known to be continuing in an educational program.

This exit type requires that your district identify the expected new district if the move is to another WI school district or the expected new school if the student was expected at another school in your district.

  • Take care to limit the use of ETC to only students for whom you have evidence of the transfer and/or move to that district residency.
  • Refer to the ODO Exit Type for information on exiting a student when there is no evidence of transfer.

DPI recommends using the ETC exit type code only after a validation is returned by WISEdata indicating that 'TC' must not be used. It is DPI's hope that all uses of the ETC exit type code will be replaced by a more specific exit type by the year end snapshot each year. Additionally, schools should avoid using the ETC exit type code during the summer for bulk/mass exits, as they will most likely need to be changed to a TC code in the fall.

When the ETC exit type is used on an enrollment, the accompanying Reason Exited Special Education used would depend on the situation:

  • If student is continuing in the same district (or district is providing a service plan at a private school) and continuing in Special Education, then use "C" - 'Continuing in Special Education'.
  • If the change in school coincides with the end of special education services, then use "T" - 'Transferred to regular education'.
  • If student is transferring to a new district, use "E" - 'Exited district due to enrollment exit code'.


HSC (High School Completion):

Use this exit type if the student earned a high school completion credential on or before the exit date. This exit type requires that your district submit a high school completion credential type. 

When the HSC exit type is used on an enrollment, the accompanying Reason Exited Special Education used would be "E" - Exited district due to enrollment exit code

Use Cases:

  1. Diplomas: Approved educational programs must culminate in the award of a regular high school diploma. Early college transfers (baccalaureate or associate's program) are considered to be approved educational programs for exit type reporting purposes.
  2. Eighth Grade Students: If your school holds an eighth grade graduation, even one that grants "diplomas", this does NOT mean the student received an official credential. Do not enter a credential value for eighth grade students. The Credential Type field is reserved only for students graduating high school with an HSC Exit Type and receiving a diploma.
  3. High School Completion: Although unusual, HSC may be the appropriate exit type for an exited 11th grader if the student earned his or her high school completion credential on or before the exit date. For each student with an enrollment that started before 6/30 of the current school year but who completes high school requirements in the summer, the HSC exit type must be reported in the recently-ended school year; the graduation should not be submitted in the next school year. However, according to WI state law, if a student doesn’t complete his or her coursework and doesn’t receive a diploma until after the start of the first day of the next school year, the student must be issued a diploma and marked 'HSC' as a graduate for the following school year.
  4. Special Education Graduates: When a student with disabilities graduates, the student's special education record must show that special education services continued until at least the student's exit date of the school year, meaning the last date the student was in a seat receiving services. Even if the student graduates prior to the last day, as seniors often do, the student will be documented properly as graduating with a disability so long as services continue through the student's exit date of the school year and the exit type is marked as High School Completion for that same single school year. Once granted a regular diploma, a student is no longer eligible for FAPE. If a student wishes to participate in the graduation ceremony but not receive a diploma, then that student may cross the stage with his or her same-age peers, but no HSC should be reported. The student should have an Exit Type of TC until the year the student with disabilities exits or reaches the maximum age.


INM (International Move):

Use this exit type if a student is known to have moved out of the country. This exit type is not counted as a dropout. 

When the INM exit type is used on an enrollment, the accompanying Reason Exited Special Education used would be "E" - Exited district due to enrollment exit code

Use Cases:

  1. International Moves: For international moves (Exit Type INM), a school or district must have written confirmation that a student has emigrated to another country (34 C.F.R. §200.19(b)(1)(ii)(B)) but need not obtain official written documentation. For example, if a parent informs a school administrator that the family is leaving the country, the school administrator may document this conversation in writing and include it in the student’s file. If INM is used, the district will not be “dinged” for a dropout and/or non-completer.
  2. U.S. Foreign Exchange Students Studying Abroad: Refer to the Uncommon WISEdata Situations page on International Students for more information.
  3. Foreign Exchange Students Studying in the U.S.: Refer to the Uncommon WISEdata Situations page on International Students for more information.
ISM (Interstate Move - Not Known to be Continuing):

Use this exit type if a student is known to have moved to another state within the country and is not known to be continuing. This exit type triggers a dropout calculation. 

When the ISM exit type is used on an enrollment, the accompanying Reason Exited Special Education used would be "E" - Exited district due to enrollment exit code

MA (Maximum Age):

Use this exit type if all of the following applies:

  • the student's exit date is on or after the end of the most recently ended school year prior to the count date,
  • the student turned 20 prior to the beginning of the current school year and turns 21 prior to DPI's official school calendar year end, and
  • the student did not receive a high school completion credential prior to the count date.
  • MA is an acceptable exit code for ALL applicable students, both regular and special education.
  • If a student exits school prior to the max age year, then use the exit code of dropout, ODO. If the student transfers midterm during the final year of FAPE-eligibility, use an appropriate transfer code, such as TC; MA should only be used at the end of the school year. If a student earns a diploma, use the HSC exit type instead.
  • MA should only be used for the last possible year a student is eligible for FAPE, not when a student is between the ages of 18-20. If a student continues to attend school and receive services after he or she is no longer FAPE eligible (reached Max Age), do not submit this student to WISEdata.

Exited students who reached the "Maximum age" but who later returned to enrollment status are only publicly reported in the "Maximum age" category for the school year they reached that age. These students are not reported in the "Maximum age" category for any subsequent school year. MA should only be used for the last possible year a student is eligible for FAPE, not when a student is between the ages of 18-20. If a student continues to attend school and receive services after he or she is no longer FAPE eligible (reached Max Age), do not submit this student to WISEdata. Students who reached "Maximum age" without earning a high school completion credential may be counted as dropouts for Common Core of Data purposes.

When the MA exit type is used on an enrollment, the accompanying Reason Exited Special Education used would be "E" - Exited district due to enrollment exit code

Use Cases:

  1. Compulsory School Age: Students exiting after reaching the end of compulsory school attendance age range (6-18) continue to be included in reports until age 21 and must have exit types. Use exit type ODO if the student is not known to be continuing in an educational program and no other exit type applies. Students who reach age 21 prior to the beginning date of the school term are not included in school and district summaries for public reporting and accountability purposes for that school term. 


ODO (Other/Drop Out):

Use this exit type if:

  • the student is a known dropout
  • GED transfers
  • certain expelled students (students without special education services)
  • ODO may be used temporarily until more information is available (such as with an Expected Transfer).
  • ODO exit type identifies a possible dropout.
  • ODO should be used when no other exit type applies to the student.

When the ODO exit type is used on an enrollment, the accompanying Reason Exited Special Education used would be "E" - Exited district due to enrollment exit code

Use Cases:

  1. Students you expect to transfer but who do not end up enrolling in another district: These students remain your responsibility. If you expected one of your students to transfer to another district but the student never ended up enrolling at that district or any other district, then you should enter ODO for the student's exit type. Even if you sent records in preparation for the transfer, if the subsequent school never enrolled the student, the student remains your responsibility. You will need to investigate the student's whereabouts. If after investigation, you find the student is no longer enrolled anywhere, submit ODO.
  2. Expulsions Without Services: Expulsions for a student without services, including temporary expulsions, end enrollment. In this case of expulsion without receiving services, the student should have an exit date and exit type of ODO unless the student enrolls in another educational program.
    • Access to GED programs through school districts is provided through HSED programs (§118.15 contracts). Students who exit high school to pursue a GED or exit high school prior to successful completion of HSED programs are counted as "other dropouts or possible dropouts." Completion of HSED programs includes GED testing as a last step, so students are not expected to exit high school with a GED certificate only.
    • For more information, contact Alternative Education Consultant, Sherry Holly.
    • Expelled students who are not receiving services and expelled students who fail to return when eligible are counted the same way as all other exited students not receiving services, i.e., as dropouts.
  3. Runaways: A student who has run away from home, is not attending school, and has an unknown location should have his or her enrollment managed according to school board policy. If the local policy withdraws the student from school, the Exit Type used must be ODO. If the student returns to school or other evidence of the student’s whereabouts is obtained before Wisconsin state law considers the student a mid-term or full-term dropout, the ODO code must be updated to reflect the facts regarding the student’s continuing education circumstances. WISEdata validation messages may also prompt for a change in the ODO exit code.
TC (Transfer to a WI Reporting Agency):

This is the DPI-recommended default exit type code for students who are expected to continue schooling. DPI recommends that SIS year end transition processes or end of year cut over tasks be configured to use 'TC' when performing mass/bulk exits at the end of a school year and preparing for the next. See the Transfer Confirmation section below for more details.

Use this exit type if you have evidence (e.g., a records request or email enrollment notification) that the student transferred to a school covered by WISEdata. Covered schools include schools in Wisconsin school districts under ch.119 and ch.120, stats., and non-district charter schools under s. 118.40(2r), stats.

A school may need to maintain more granular information regarding a gap in enrollment.

  • Perhaps the student transferred to a private school for a few months and then transferred back.
  • Perhaps the 18 year old chose to exit schooling but then returned in the same school year.
  • In either case, WISEdata expects a Transfer Known to be Continuing (TC) while the school needs the student enrollment history to show the TNC or ODO.

In the event of a student transferring to or from Choice school, "a school covered by WISEdata" means:

  • a Choice school opted in to the All Students Report Card

  • a Choice participant transferring to a school opted out of the All Student Report Card

  • a public school

When the TC exit type is used on an enrollment, the accompanying Reason Exited Special Education used would depend on the situation:

  • If student is continuing in the same district (or district is providing a service plan at a private school) and continuing in Special Education, then use "C" - 'Continuing in Special Education'.
  • If the change in school coincides with the end of special education services, then use "T" - 'Transferred to regular education'.
  • If student is transferring to a new district, use "E" - 'Exited district due to enrollment exit code'.
TNC (Transfer - to a WI Non-Reporting Agency):

Use this exit type if you have official written documentation (e.g., a records request) that the student transferred to a state or district-approved WI educational program not covered by WISEdata. This may include transfer to, for example, a private school,or other approved program. In scenarios where students are transferring to full-time home-based private education (homeschooling), use the TNC exit type code when the district has been notified of intent to homeschool prior to the October 15th deadline even when the completion of this information through HOMER has not yet been received by DPI. For more information read the section below, Students who Transfer to Home-based Private Education

In the event of a student transferring to or from Choice school, "a school not covered by WISEdata" means:

  • home-based private education (i.e., homeschool)
  • a private school not participating in the Choice program
  • a non-Choice participant to a Choice school opted out to the All Student Report Card 

When the TNC exit type is used on an enrollment, the accompanying Reason Exited Special Education used would depend on the situation:

  • If the student has become a parentally-placed private student at a non-Choice private school use "C" - 'Continuing in Special Education'.
  • If the student has begun a home-based education program (home school) or parent/guardian enrolls student in private school and student does not have a service plan use "T" - 'Transferred to regular education'.
TOS (Transfer Out of State - Known to be Continuing):

Use this exit type if a student moved out-of-state or out-of-country, and you have official written documentation (e.g., a records request) that the student is continuing in an educational program. When this exit type is used, and the student has actually transferred out of the Wisconsin education system, the last Wisconsin LEA to report data for this student remains the custodian of this student's data for snapshot reporting purposes. The TOS exit type is not counted as a dropout.

When the TOS exit type is used on an enrollment, the accompanying Reason Exited Special Education used would be "E" - Exited district due to enrollment exit code.

Transfer Confirmation:

To confirm that a student transferred out, the school or district must have official written documentation that the student enrolled in another school or in an educational program that culminates in the award of a regular high school diploma (34 C.F.R. §200.19(b)(1)(ii)(B)(1)).

Keep in mind that just because an LEA receives a records request from another school does not automatically mean the student is leaving the current school/will be attending that school. Best practice is to wait until you actually see a subsequent enrollment record and/or receive an error in WISEdata asking you to update your exit type before making any official changes to the student’s enrollment information. Waiting until this confirmation is obtained will prevent the LEA from exiting a student who ultimately ends up attending your school, and can prevent a possible dropout.

  1. In the case of a student who transfers to another school covered by WISEdata (Exit Type TC), that transfer is officially documented through the submission of a WISEdata record by the receiving district/school. No additional documentation is required.
  2. In the case of transfers to schools not covered by WISEdata (Exit Types TNC for in-state and TOS for out-of-state), official written documentation may include: a request for student records from a receiving public or private high school or an educational program (that culminates in a regular high school diploma)or a written record of a response from an official in the receiving school or program acknowledging the student’s enrollment.
  3. Evidence of transfer out-of-state (TOS) for a migrant status student includes records within the USDE national migrant student database, Migrant Student Information Exchange (MSIX). The MSIX Student Consolidated Record may be accessed and used to confirm the student’s enrollment in school in another state. A district may have or request direct access to the MSIX database. Request district access to the MSIX database, or request specific MSIX student records by contacting the Wisconsin Migrant Education Program staff at (608) 266-9629.
  4. Evidence of transfer to home-based private education includes completion of this information through HOMER (also known as PI-1206). Please visit the Parental Educational Options (PEO) Team webpage on Home-Based Private Education Programs (homeschooling) to learn more and to also access HOMER.  
  5. A conversation with a parent or neighbor of a student would not be considered official written documentation of a transfer.
  6. A student cannot be assumed to be continuing simply because the student’s status cannot be documented. Use a "not known to be continuing" exit type in these situations.
  7. At the end of the school year, go through and plug in TC codes for transfers, not ETC codes, especially for transfers out of state. In the past, when a student went out of state and then came back into the state and DPI saw the TOS followed by an enrollment in another WI school, they manually, on the back end, changed the TOS to a TC. For example, it changed "Other dropout or possible dropout" with "Transfer to another school covered by WSLS" if the data showed that the students continued in a WI school. Now that data is live, DPI is unable to make these back end changes and needs the school districts to do them on their end and push it to WISEdata. The related exit type error is asking you to change the exit code to a TC to get the error to go away. The only time to use ETC is when you’ve tried to use the TC code, but you get an error of no evidence of transfer. You can then enter ETC if you do have evidence that the student moved. ODO may be appropriate if you have no evidence of transfer anywhere. 

Students Who Transfer to Home-based Private Education:

When a Wisconsin student leaves a public or private school to transfer to home-based private education, please document the following:

The conversation with the parent(s), annotated in writing, detailing everything known about the student. Include this annotation in the student’s file.

Prior to 10/15 the student may be submitted as TNC. Under Wis. Stat. § 115.30(3), no school district can compel the submission of the form prior to October 15. If a parent communicates to their resident district their intent to homeschool their student(s), then a district should consider that sufficient notice up to the October 15 deadline to submit a PI-1206 form. After 10/15, if PI 1206 does not show the family submission, then the exit type should be ODO. If the form has not been submitted, then the school may also need to follow the local truancy process.

If the student is disenrolling from their public school to be homeschooled for a lengthy period of time (for example, a two-month international vacation), with the plans of re-enrolling upon return from the lengthy absence, TNC Exit Type can be used temporarily. When the student re-enrolls and the enrollment gets sent to WISEdata, the TNC should be changed to TC. Local policy determines whether a student is disenrolled and re-enrolled, or simply marked absent for the duration of time out of school in a situation such as this. 

Students for whom the district has been notified of intent to homeschool prior to the October 15th deadline but the completion of this information through HOMER has not yet been received by DPI, and where there is no evidence of  this student's enrollment, use the ODO exit type.

If the student is moving out of Wisconsin to be homeschooled in another state, contact the state education agency of the state where the student will be living. Check to see if that state has a method of verification of homeschooled students such as the Wisconsin HOMER system. Document all attempts and conversations. With this documentation made, use the TOS exit type for out-of-state homeschool transfers.

Uncommon WISEdata Situations Nontraditional WISEdata Situations: Home Based Private Education Students

Notes About Dropouts and Public Reporting Using Exit Types:

The student's enrollment status at the end of a school term and on the count date and grade level placement at the time of dropping out do not affect the WISEdata exit type collection but do affect public reporting, school and district report card accountability, federal (ESSA and IDEA) accountability, and other DPI snapshot uses of data.

  •  Students who leave school without completing the previous school term but who are re-enrolled by the count date of the current school term are not publicly reported as dropouts. If they do not return, they are publicly reported as "mid-term" dropouts for the school term during which they left school (i.e., the previous school term). 
  • Students who complete the previous school term but who are not enrolled as of the count date of the current school term are "current term" or "summer dropouts." Summer dropouts are not publicly reported as dropouts if they return and complete the current term or are re-enrolled by the count date of the next school term. If summer dropouts are not re-enrolled by the count date of the next school term, then they are considered "full term" dropouts because they missed the entire school term. "Full term" dropouts are publicly reported as dropouts. Whether or not a student has "completed the most recently ended school term" will be based on school term dates provided by districts through the Wisconsin School Directory application and exit dates provided by WISEdata. Districts can make exceptions for individual students by submitting the appropriate "completed school term" indicator in WISEdata.
  • Exit types are collected at all grade levels, but dropouts are publicly reported through the Wisconsin School Performance Report only for grades 7-12. Grade 9 through 12 dropouts are used to calculate graduation and high school completion rates. 


Students are assigned to a graduation cohort based on a 9th grade enrollment. If the student first enrolled in a Wisconsin school after 9th grade, their graduation cohort is assigned based on the year that the student would have been in 9th grade. If a student has an appropriate graduation record (a “regular” Credential Type) as of the completion of their 12th grade year, they are counted as a 4-year graduate on the School and District Report Cards and ESSA Accountability Reports. If the student does not graduate with their 4-year cohort but does graduate with a regular diploma within their 7-year cohort, they are counted as a 7-year graduate on the School and District Report Cards and ESSA Accountability Reports.

Four exit types may result in students being counted as non-graduates for Wisconsin School and District Report Cards and ESSA Accountability Report purposes: ETC, ISM, ODO and MA. In all of these cases, there is no graduation record or subsequent enrollment for a student. Therefore, the student will not count as a graduate for accountability report purposes.

  1. "Other dropouts and possible dropouts" (ODO)

  2. "Interstate move, Move to another state within the country; Not known to be continuing" (ISM)

  3. "Expected transfer to another school covered by WISEdata; not known to be continuing" (ETC). If the expected transfer was intra-district (e.g., the student completed middle school in the spring but never showed up at the high school during the next school year), then the student would be a dropout for the expected transfer school (in this case - the high school). If the expected transfer was inter-district and the expected transfer district confirms the move, then the student may be counted as a dropout for the expected transfer district; otherwise, the student may be counted as a dropout for the most recent previous accountable district/school.

    1. “Transfer to another WI school covered by WISEdata or continuing in the same school. Known to be continuing” (TC). If the expected transfer results in missing subsequent enrollment records, the student is considered a dropout. Please read over the scenarios described in list item 1 in Notes About Dropouts & Public Reporting Using Exit types (above) for dropout types that would apply. 

  4. "Reached Maximum Age" (MA). The IDEA Exit Report looks at students' ages 14 and up.

    1. Event dropout counts are collected for state and federal reporting purposes. The event dropout count is the number of students who leave school during a defined period of time and who do not return before a specified count date.

    2. The exit date associated with a "high school completion" (HSC) exit type determines the school year for which the high school completion data are reported. If the exit date is on or after the beginning of school term X and before the beginning of school term X+1, then high school completion is counted for school year X. This is because students may earn their credential during summer school. Use of the HSC exit type also affects the completed school term indicator, which is used in reporting dropout and retention rates and for other purposes.


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