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Serious Bodily Injury

Serious Bodily Injury: Discipline

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Serious Bodily Injury (as per 18 USC Section 1365 (3)(h)) describes the result of a discipline incident that involves:

  • a substantial risk of death
  • extreme physical pain
  • protracted and obvious disfigurement or
  • protracted loss or impairment of the function of a bodily member, organ, or faculty.

Serious Bodily Injury is required only when an interim alternative educational setting (IAES) School Personnel discipline is associated with the student and incident.

Code Description/Comments
True Incident resulted in serious bodily injury. Serious Bodily Injury involves a substantial risk of death; extreme physical pain; protracted and obvious disfigurement; or protracted loss or impairment of the function of a bodily member, organ, or faculty (18 USC Section 1365 (3)(h)).
False Incident did not result in serious bodily injury.
Null Not required for incident types other than IAES removal by School Personnel.

USES: This data element assists with tracking behavior types and statistics on serious injuries in schools.


FAQs, Details, and Point to Note

  1. Discipline FAQs & Use Cases: For more specific information, see the Discipline: Info, Help and FAQs

  2. DOC, DHS, PPP: No discipline information should be submitted for students in a Department of Corrections or Department of Health Services school or enrolled as a parentally-placed private student.

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