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Language Instruction Monitoring Year

Language Instruction Monitoring Year: WISEdata

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English language learners who are now proficient (EL code 6) are monitored for two years on content achievement. The Language Instruction Monitoring Year data element describes whether a student is in their first or second year of monitoring. This data element should not be submitted for English language learners with proficiency codes 1-5, students who were never English language learners (EL code 7), or students who have completed two years of monitoring.

Monitoring Year Submitted Value
First year Year 1
Second year Year 2

For more information on reporting language instruction data, refer to the Language Instruction Data Reporting Help page.

USES: Language instruction data will be used for disaggregated reporting and accountability purposes, including State Report Cards, ESSA Report Cards, and Title III. They are also used as a measure of the acquisition of English language proficiency and to determine the appropriate participation in WSAS.


FAQs, Details, and Points to Note


Refer to the Language Instruction Data Reporting Help page for FAQs and use cases.


If you need further assistance, please submit a Help Ticket.
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