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WISE Data Elements

To meet state and federal reporting requirements, as applicable, public school districts and private schools participating in the Choice program must submit student information to DPI. Here is a list of data elements with links to descriptions of each. Also included are lists or tables of expected values where needed.

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Career Education Programs

Public Schools

CTE Programs is an unordered collection of student CTE program associations to the Career and Technical Education (CTE) program in which the student participates and has a CTE Concentration Summary.

Certificated Programs Status Type

Public Schools

Certified Program Status Type indicates a student's progress toward earning a certificate within the Certified Career Education programs.

Cluster Title

Public Schools

Cluster Title (formerly Career Pathway Type) is the career cluster for the Vocational/Career Tech concentrator career path.

CTE Concentrator

Public Schools

A CTE Concentrator is a secondary student in grade 11 or 12 who has completed (passed) a minimum of two CTE courses within a career pathway (career cluster) and who is enrolled in continuing CTE course(s) in that career pathway during their time in high school.

CTE Department/Program Areas Type

Public Schools

The CTE Department/Program Areas Type represents the Vocational/Career Tech career pathway of the concentrator.

CTE Participant

Public Schools

A student is a CTE participant if the student was enrolled in one or more CTE courses in the reporting year and completed (passed) at least one CTE course.

Dual Enrollment

Public Schools

Dual enrollment (DE) includes a variety of programs through which high school students are enrolled simultaneously in both high school and college to earn both high school and college credit. DE is reported as part of school and district report cards and general Career and Technical Education data used for career pathway development.

Grade Type

Public Schools

Grade Type  clarifies which period of time or for what purpose a grade was given, such as Exam, Final Grade, or Progress Report. 

IAC Code type

Public Schools

DPI IAC to Cluster List. IAC Code Type identifies the number and description of the CIP Code associated with the career pathway and student CTE program.

Industry Recognized Credentials

Public Schools

An industry-recognized credential (IRC) is a verification of a student’s qualification or competence through a technical education program. IRCs are reported as part of school and district report cards and general Career and Technical Education data used for career pathway development.

Letter Grade Earned

Public Schools

Final or interim (grading period) indicator of a student's performance in a class as submitted by the instructor

Numeric Grade Earned

Public Schools

Final or interim (grading period) numeric indicator of a student's performance in a class as submitted by the instructor

Performance Base Conversion Type

Public Schools

Performance Base Conversion Type describes the assessment of the student's performance, such as pass or fail.

Single Parent

Public Schools

Single Parent denotes whether a student who is unmarried or legally separated has sole or joint custody of a minor child or children during the reporting year.

State Endorsed Regional Career Pathway Status Type

Public Schools

This data element is no longer required - as of the 2019-20 school year. State Endorsed Regional Career Pathway Status Type is a specific state outlined program that combines specific regional requirements for sequence of HS classes, dual credit class(es), IRCs, and work-based learning. 

WI DPI Grade

Public Schools

Indication of a student's performance when participating in a Certified Career Education Program associated to a course

WI DPI Student CTE Program

Public Schools

WI DPI Student CTE Program is a data element extension to the Student CTE Program Associations and represents the WI-specific Career and Technical Education (CTE) program in which a student participates.

WI DPI Student CTE Program Association

Public Schools

WI DPI Student CTE Program Association is a data element extension to the Student CTE Program Association end point and is comprised of Status Types for certified Programs and State Endorsed Regional Career Pathway.

Work-Based Learning

Public Schools

Work-Based Learning (WBL) data does not represent one individual field of data entry. Rather, reports on WBL are formulated based on the collection of numerous different data elements (either through courses or programs) reported through the SIS and sent to WISEdata Portal.

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