WISEdash for Districts: Snapshot Dashboards - Special Education Year End Completion
About the Data | Definitions of Crosstab Filters | FAQ | Resource Links
About the Data
The Special Education Year End (YE) completion data presented on WISEdash reveals key performance indicators that serve as a ‘year in review’ for important completion data for special education students.
There are two sets of dynamic crosstabs on this dashboard.
There is only one data quality indicator (DQI) on this dashboard. It gives you a quick glance at the overall data for the selected district or school, pointing out possible issues with your data that you should investigate further. Drill into the DQI to see the students or details that make up the count or rate in the indicator.
The Special Education Year End Completion Snapshot Dashboard includes the following Data Quality Indicator is based on the current view of the data.
- Transfer to RegEd Mismatch: This indicator displays the number of students who for federal reporting purposes are included in the federal exiting reporting category of Transferred to Regular Education but do not have a Reason Exited Special Education of Transferred to Regular Education or Revoked Consent for Special Education Services. For these students, either 1) the sSEPA record has an end date prior to the student’s enrollment end date or 2) the student was reported with a Reason Exited Special Education of 'Continuing in Special Education' in the prior year end snapshot, but the student did not have an IEP in the following year. For scenario 1, both the sSEPA end date and Reason Exited Special Education for these students should be reviewed for accuracy. For scenario 2, if the student was supposed to continue in Special Education, then submit the appropriate SSEPA record. If the student was supposed to transfer to regular education, no changes are required.
Definitions of Applicable Crosstab Data Filters
The most commonly occurring filters are defined in detail on the WISEdash for Districts Snapshot Dashboard page. These include:
Acctbl Sch/ool
Att Sch/ool Name
ELP Code
Two Different Sets Of Crosstabs Available
The SpEd Year End Completion dashboard is unique in that there are two separate dynamic crosstabs available for users. In addition to the most commonly occurring crosstab filters, ‘available data’ filters that specifically apply to the following dashboards:
- Special Education Indicator 11
- (Current view and Snapshot view)
- SwD Ages 14-21 Exiting Special Education
- (Current view and Snapshot view)
Indicator 11 Crosstabs
In addition to the standard cross tab filters, this dashboard includes the following dimensions
- Met 60 Day Determination – A yes/no indicator annotating whether or not the district evaluated the student within the 60-day timeline.
- Visit the Consent to Evaluate data element page for more information.
- IDEA Indicator - A yes/no indicator annotating whether or not the student is determined to be eligible for special education services upon completion of the initial special education evaluation. Yes indicates it is 'true' that the student will become enrolled in special education. No indicates it is 'false' that the student will become enrolled in special education.
- Visit the IDEA Indicator data element page for more information.
- IDEA Part Descriptor – This filter refers to the part of IDEA Indicator 11 refers to (i.e., A, B, C, or D). All initial special educational evaluations are funded through IDEA Part B.
- Visit the IDEA Indicator (Part B) data element page for more information.
- Evaluation Complete Indicator – This 'Yes' indicator displays whether or not the Evaluation is complete at the time of the query.
- Visit the Evaluation Complete Indicator data element page for more information.
- Evaluation Delay Reason Code - This indicator displays a code referring to the reason why the 60-day evaluation was not completed before the deadline.
- C - Child Unavailable
- I - Initial SLD Evaluation
- T - Transfer
- Visit the Evaluation Delay Reason data element page for more information.
SwD Ages 14-21 Exiting Special Education Crosstab
In addition to some of the most commonly occurring crosstab filters, ‘available data’ filters that specifically apply to the Year End Completion - SwD Ages 14-21 Exiting Special Education Crosstab dashboard are:
- Age at Child Count - A numerical indicator denoting the age of the student on the October 1 Child Count date of the school year data being viewed.
- Diploma Type - A checkbox indicator annotating whether a special education student earned a regular high school diploma or not.
- Visit the Credential Type data element page for more information.
- Enroll Exit Type/ Description - a code/phrase indicator describing the nature of a student’s exit from school:
- BCA - Below Compulsory Age
- CE - Compassion Exit
- DE - Death
- ETC - Expected transfer/promotion to a new school covered by WISEdata
- HSC - High School Completion
- INM- International Move
- ISM - Interstate move
- MA - Reached Maximum Age for Services
- ODO - Other, Dropout, or Possible Dropout
- TC - Transfer to Another WI School Covered by WISEdata
- TNC - Transfer to a WI School Not Covered by WISEdata
- TOS - Transfer Out-of-State
- Visit the Exit Types data element page for more information.
- Federal Reporting Exit Category - a descriptor indicator, annotating a special education student’s exit category.
- Dropped out
- Graduated with Regular High School Diploma
- Moved, known to be continuing
- Transferred to regular education
- Refer to the EDFacts FS009 - Children with Disabilities (IDEA) Exiting Special Education File Specifications Word document for more information (this may create a download/may not open as a browser tab).
- LEA Determination Inclusion – a yes/no indicator annotating
if the student will be included in the LEA Determination calculations as it applies to graduation (indicator 1) and dropouts (indicator 2) under IDEA. This calculation also includes students continuing in Special Ed. The following Federal Reporting Exit Categories are not included in LEA Determinations even though those categories are still reported in EDFacts FS009:
- Transferred to regular education
- Died
- Moved, known to be continuing
- Reason Exit Special Ed - A code entry indicator describing why a student’s special education record (sSEPA) has an end date.
- SpEd Exit Reason codes
- Continuing in Special Education
- Exited District Due To Enrollment Exit Code
- Revoked Consent for Special Education Services
- Transferred to Regular Education Services
- Visit the Reason Exited Special Education data element page for more information
- SpEd Exit Reason codes
Dynamic Crosstabs Tips:
- There is only one available measure for this chart (Count of Students). Refer to the Using the Dynamic Crosstab User Guide for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions about Special Education Year End Completion Data
- Why are SwD ages 14-21 data displayed? The SwD Ages 14-21 Exiting Special Education chart is used for federal reporting purposes to the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. All counts shown are for students with disabilities ages 14 through 21 who were in special education on July 1, the start of the reporting period, and were not in special education on June 30, the end of the reporting period. A student’s age is determined as of the most recent October 1 Child Count prior to the student exiting special education. The Federal Reporting Exit Category is determined by using the Reason Exited Special Ed and Enroll Exit Type/Description data reported for a student. The APR Exit Inclusion indicator can be used to identify those students included in calculating Indicator 1 (exiting with a regular high school diploma) and Indicator 2 (exiting as a dropout) for the Annual Performance Report (APR).
Resource Links
Programs data element page detailing sSEPA Record data elements
Timely Specaial Education Evaluation (Indicator 11) data element landing page
- Using the Dynamic Crosstab User Guide