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CTE Concentrators Dynamic Public Cohort: WISEdash

Purpose of Viewing Dynamic Cohorts, Overview


In general, all cohorts provide a great opportunity to follow a selected group of students’ data longitudinally and perform data analysis, disaggregation, and inquiry.

DPI can create public dynamic cohorts more easily than it can create filter options for each dashboard. As such, it provides a win-win result of DPI being able to provide tools to narrow the scope of dashboard data, and LEAs being able to use this tool quickly and with ease.

We hope school districts continue to look for ways to improve student outcomes. Allowing the flexibility to filter and disaggregate data in a new way allows users to look at their data from a different perspective in order to find issues and opportunities.

CTE Concentrators Cohort (Prior Year):

Definition of CTE Concentrators Cohort: This cohort is determined by the CTE Concentrators definition, students in grades 11 and 12 that have completed at least two CTE courses in a single career pathway throughout high school, for the reporting year. This cohort was created in the Filter Data to only populate the table with students that meet criteria for the reporting year. It is a quick method of reviewing student data without manually setting up personalized cohorts.

Current and Prior Year Calculations

DPI cut-off dates help determine current year or prior year status: 

  • June 30th is the end date of each school year. For example, June 30, 2023 is the last date of the 2022-23 school year.
    • Prior year cohorts are based on the CTE status of the student as of 6/30.
  • July 1 as the start date for each new school year. For example, July 1 2023 is the first day of the 2023-24 school year.
    • Current year cohorts are based on the CTE status of the student as of 7/1. 

As cohorts are driven off of Current (not Certified, a.k.a. snapshot) data, if the cohort status of the student changes for the prior year, the student may be added or dropped to/from the prior year CTE cohort in the next nightly build.

Purpose of Using CTE Concentrators Cohort: Use this cohort to filter students who have taken two or more CTE courses within a career pathway. This can help districts evaluate CTE programming, including characteristics of students taking courses, assessment outcomes of concentrators, career pathway development, and other performance indicators.

CTE Coordinators that oversee large Perkins consortiums (with multiple districts) may use the preset filter cohorts to quickly review and analyze data for each of their districts for annual program progress and the Comprehensive Learning Needs Assessment. Thus, multiple unique cohort groups would not have to be created. Each district may use the preset filter cohorts to focus on just those students that meet the cohort criteria, without creating a unique cohort group. Users may need to switch between the prior year cohort and current year cohort to quickly review numbers. The green (current year) table will see live cohort data. This means any changes made in the student information system and sent to DPI will appear in this table. The purple (snapshot) table will only see data that was submitted in time for the snapshot.

Best times of year to view this cohort data: For analysis of Perkins Grant (due Beginning of May). Not applicable for snapshot preparation.

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FAQs, Details, and Points to Note

  1. What is a Concentrator? A student is identified as a concentrator if they completed at least two CTE courses in a single career pathway throughout high school. Concentrator details for this student should be submitted in grades 11 and 12
  2. What does a Career Pathway mean? Career pathways are a series of connected education, training, and support strategies aimed at helping students achieve their own definition of success. Providing career pathways for students means that education and training align with the needs of the local job market, provide a range of secondary and postsecondary options, result in a secondary high school diploma, and help students enter or advance within an occupation.  A Career Pathway is defined as one of the nationally adopted 16 career clusters.
  3. What if a student concentrates in more than one Career Pathway Type? If a student concentrates in more than one Career Pathway Type, submit only the Primary Concentration. Only one student CTE Program Association will be submitted to WISEdata, and details for the Primary Concentration will be used in reporting.
  4. CTE Concentrator Program Submission: A CTE concentrator is submitted by sending in a Program Type and Program Name of Career and Technical Education and the elements that go along with it (IAC Code Type, Career Pathway Type (Cluster) and Program Areas Type).

Visit the following DPI pages for more information:

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If there are other  public dynamic cohorts you would like DPI to consider creating, please give us your feedback by clicking the big purple button below

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