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Immigrant Status Dynamic Public Cohort: WISEdash

Purpose of Viewing Dynamic Cohorts, Overview


In general, all cohorts provide a great opportunity to follow a selected group of students’ data longitudinally and perform data analysis, disaggregation, and inquiry.

DPI can create public dynamic cohorts more easily than it can create filter options for each dashboard. As such, it provides a win-win result of DPI being able to provide tools to narrow the scope of dashboard data, and LEAs being able to use this tool quickly and with ease.

We hope school districts continue to look for ways to improve student outcomes. Allowing the flexibility to filter and disaggregate data in a new way allows users to look at their data from a different perspective in order to find issues and opportunities.

Immigrant Status Cohort:

Definition of Immigrant Cohort: This cohort refers to students associated with the Immigrant (Title III) data element. For clarification on the difference between immigrant and migrant identifiers, please refer to the FAQ section.  

Purpose of Using the Immigrant Cohort: The immigrant cohort provides data that can be disaggregated and examined for equitable outcomes across various student performance indicators.

Best times of year to view this cohort data: Immigrant status is a demographic data element that appears in both the December and May snapshots, but this cohort group is not intended for use with snapshot data quality auditing.

Rather, use the cohort data to identify problems anytime an LEA needs to analyze any data specific to these sets of students.

  • For example, high schools could use this cohort group to determine comparison data on ACT scores between immigrant and non-immigrant students taking the ACT.
    • If there is a correlation, is the student performance better, the same or worse than non-immigrant students?
    • How does the data differ for students who have held immigrant status for one year versus students who have held immigrant status for multiple years?
    • If a problem is identified, why is that and how does the LEA alleviate this?
    • How will the LEA process that information to affect educational equity and policies in schools?

After selecting the student cohort, users can use the 'Group by' filter and choose 'Student cohort' to compare the selected cohort with all other students in a single visualization. ​​​​​​​

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FAQs, Details, and Points to Note

  1. What is the difference between an Immigrant student and a Migrant student? Immigrant and migrant sound similar, but each refers to a specific identity of a student. 

    Immigrant student is a different identifier from migrant student.

    Immigrant Student and Migrant Student Definitions
    Immigrant Student Migrant or Migratory Student

    Three criteria must be met in order for a student to qualify as an immigrant under the definition specified by ESSA:

    • Aged 3-21 as of the Third Friday of September,
    • Not born in U.S.,
    • In U.S. schools for less than three full academic years, whether consecutive or not.

    A migratory student is someone who moves because they or their family are involved in seasonal agricultural work.

    Migratory students often move multiple times per year, experiencing interrupted schooling in addition to other educational barriers they may face.

    The shared mission of the Title I, Part C Migrant Education Program, and provisions of Title I, Part A of the Every Students Succeeds Act (ESSA), is to provide migratory students the supplemental instructional services and support they need to succeed.

    Source: Immigrant (Title III) data element webpage

    More Information: Title III Language Instruction for English Learners and Immigrant Students webpage

    Source: Education and Services for Migratory Children webpage (this page also contains a link to the PDF document, Non-Regulatory Guidance for the Title I, Part C Education of Migratory Children, 2017)

    More Information: Title I, Part A webpage

Visit the following DPI pages for more information:

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