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About the Data
The ACCESS Results By Subgroup dashboard is a powerful tool for visualizing how students in the district are performing on the ACCESS for ELLs.
By default all students with an annual ACCESS for ELLs score are shown, but you may use the Filter tool to select subsets of students or to group the results by subsets of students. You may also click on a graph element to bring up a list of all the students belonging to that category. Combining these two tools allows you to pull subsets of students to understand which students have which performance characteristics.
The first graph shows the distribution of the Overall Composite English Language Proficiency Level (ELP Level) of the students selected.
The second graph shows the average Overall Composite Scale Score of the students selected.
The third graph shows the distribution of students by their on-track status. See the WISEdash (FOR DISTRICTS) Student Profile Dashboards under ACCESS for category definitions.
The fourth graph shows the percentage of selected students on-track compared to the statewide average of all ELs, with a reference to the ESSA goal for statewide on-track percentage. The on-track rate is calculated by dividing the number of students considered "on track" (i.e., students in the categories Progress Goal Met or Achieved Proficiency) by the number of students with enough data to determine on-track status (i.e., students in the categories Progress Goal Met, Achieved Proficiency, Additional Support Needed, Further Support Needed to Exit, and Proficient Past Target Year). Students in the categories Baseline Year and Not Enough Data are not included in this calculation.