Event Date
Event Description
On May 22, starting at 9:00 AM, we will capture the following demographic data: enrollment, date of birth, race/ethnicity, economic status (ECD), disability status, homeless status, and migrant status. All demographic updates should be completed by close of business on May 21. The snapshot will be taken at 9:00 a.m. on May 22. The data captured in the Assessment Demographics snapshot is of critical importance for both state and (new) federal accountability and reporting requirements. The performance of student subgroups can impact a school or district’s score.
The snapshot date of May 22 was selected because it provides districts with a two-week cushion after the assessment window closes to update demographic data in your local student information system (SIS). However, we recommend uploading WISEid files once a week and continuously making changes in your SIS (that get pushed regularly to WISEdata) to keep all of your data current and accurate.
Districts can use the snapshot dashboard, “Spring Assessment Demographics” (Advanced Analysis > Snapshots), in WISEdash for Districts to prepare for the snapshot.
- For more information on preparing for the snapshot, view the Snapshot Preparation guide presentation from the WISEdata Conference.
- You can also reference the WISEdata and WISEdash Snapshot Reference Guide.
- For help using the Spring Assessments Demographics Snapshot dashboard, view the About the Data Page and the Please Read narrative file above the snapshot metrics.
The Customer Services Team here at DPI can assist in resolving validation errors, troubleshooting vendor-related issues, and answering your snapshot questions. Simply submit a help ticket and they will be in touch.
- For more information on WISEdata, see the WISEdata help page.
- For more information on WISEid, see the WISEid help page.
Items to Review:
WISEids: Ensure that you have WISEids for all students. (https://dpi.wi.gov/wisedata/help/wiseid/quick-start-guide-public-schools) Verify who attended your school(s) during the 2017-18 school year who should be reported to WISEdata.
SSAs: Ensure that you have Ed-Fi Student School Association (SSA) records for all students who were enrolled at any point during the 2017-18 school year who should be reported to WISEdata.
SSA Deletion: Delete Ed-Fi SSA records for students who have not received any services from your school(s) during the 2017-18 school year, often called no-shows.
SIS Updates: Install any recommended updates from your SIS vendor to have the most up-to-date fixes and releases.
WISEid DOB & Race: Ensure Student Birth Date and Race/Ethnicity information is correct within your SIS and is reflected in the WISEid application.
FSE & Economic Data: Complete collection of forms from students and ensure that your SIS has the most recent Food Services Eligibility and Economic Indicator data. https://dpi.wi.gov/wise/data-elements/econ-status
Special Education Data: Check that your system has sent the most recent Special Education records to WISEdata.
Homeless Data: Check that your SIS has the most recent Homeless data in place. https://dpi.wi.gov/wise/data-elements/homeless-status
Migrant Data: Check that the students identified as Migrant in your SIS have been certified as migratory students by DPI and entered into the local SIS. If you are unsure if your migrant students have been certified as migrant by DPI, please email tena.torgerson@dpi.wi.gov or call (608) 266-9629. https://dpi.wi.gov/wise/data-elements/migrant-status