Students Attending a County Children with Disabilities Board (CCDEB)
Definition: Student attending a school operated by a County Children with Disabilities Education Board
Data Element Information: When entering the resident school district value, that should be the district in which the child resides, though there are occasional exceptions. The CCDEB should not be the FAPE school/district. When selecting the FAPE-Responsible District, it should be the school and district that will be held accountable for the student's educational outcome. This is likely the district that wrote the IEP to send the student to the CCDEB, which is also often the resident district. Some exceptions may occur around court placements.
Make certain to set all of the Special Education Program Association's Parentally-Placed Private indicators to 'No'.
Helpful Details/Use Cases: CCDEBs will report students to WISEdata. This means that public schools will no longer submit any data to DPI for accountable students attending CCDEBs. Sometimes students attend a CCDEB and are identified by the CCDEB with the public district being FAPE accountable. This would increase the public district’s accountable count but not the attending count. LEAs may elect to track these enrollments within their own student information system; however, these enrollments should be configured such that they are not sent to WISEdata.
Membership/Financial Implication: The computation of CCDEB General Aid requires that the number of CCDEB pupils counted as resident pupils by the county be included in the computation process. These pupils are those who are enrolled only in special education programs operated by the CCDEB in the facilities of that district or in county facilities. Pupils must be three years of age or older on or before the required September or January pupil count dates. The Annual Report must be submitted electronically as an attachment to an e-mail message.
CCDEB - Student is a non-resident and meets all of the following criteria. Student attends under s. 115.817. Student is jointly enrolled between the district and the CCDEB. District receives payment for services from the CCDEB.
Related Links:
School Financial Services - CCDEB Special Education Enrollment KBA