Students Attending the Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Definition: Student aged 3-21 who is blind or visually impaired from throughout the state of Wisconsin and attending WCBVI
Data Element Information: Reporting Disability is indicated in the pupil’s individualized education program (IEP) or individualized service plan (ISP). Only one primary disability can be submitted to WISEdata.
Visual Impairment, V: Visual Impairment means even after correction, a child's visual functioning significantly adversely affects their educational performance. [Wis. Admin. Code PI 11.36(3)].
Deaf-Blind, DB: Deaf-Blind means concomitant hearing and visual impairments, the combination of which causes such severe communication and other developmental and educational needs that they cannot be accommodated in special education programs solely for children with deafness or children with blindness. [34 CFR 300.8(c)(2)].
When entering the resident school district value, that should be the district in which the child resides, though there are occasional exceptions. The WCBVI should not be the FAPE school/district. When selecting the FAPE-Responsible District, it should be the school and district that will be held accountable for the student's educational outcome. This is likely the district that wrote the IEP to send the student to WCBVI, which is also often the resident district. Some exceptions may occur around court placements. When students attend WCBVI, they are generally identified by WCBVI as their resident public district being FAPE accountable. This would increase the public district’s accountable count but not the attending count.
Make certain to set all of the Special Education Program Association's Parentally-Placed Private indicators to 'No'.
Helpful Details/Use Cases: State Schools will report students to WISEdata. This means that public schools will no longer submit any data to DPI for accountable students attending State schools. LEAs may elect to track these enrollments within their own student information system; however, these enrollments should be configured such that they are not sent to WISEdata.
Membership/Financial Implication: Each student at WCBVI will be included in the WCBVI’s membership count only. The resident school district will retain certain expenses, such as transportation cost that will be paid out of Fund 27. This student will be included in the school district’s October 1st Child Count. Because Fund 10 will have no direct expenses for educating this student, the student cannot be included in the school district’s September 3rd Friday count or January 2nd Friday counts.
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Students Attending the Wisconsin School for the Deaf
Definition: Student age 3-21 who is deaf or hard of hearing and attending the Wisconsin School for the Deaf
Data Element Information: Reporting Disability is indicated in the pupil’s individualized education program (IEP) or individualized service plan (ISP). Only one primary disability can be submitted to WISEdata.
Hearing Impairment, H: Hearing Impairment, including deafness, means a significant impairment in hearing, with or without amplification, whether permanent or chronically fluctuating, that significantly adversely affects a child's educational performance including academic performance, speech perception and production, or language and communication skills. [Wis. Admin. Code PI 11.36(4)].
Deaf-Blind, DB: Deaf-Blind means concomitant hearing and visual impairments, the combination of which causes such severe communication and other developmental and educational needs that they cannot be accommodated in special education programs solely for children with deafness or children with blindness. [34 CFR 300.8(c)(2)].
When entering the resident school district value, that should be the district in which the child resides, though there are occasional exceptions. The WI School for the Deaf should not be the FAPE school/district. When selecting the FAPE-Responsible District, it should be the school and district that will be held accountable for the student's educational outcome. This is likely the district that wrote the IEP to send the student to the WI School for the Deaf, which is also often the resident district. Some exceptions may occur around court placements. Often students attend the WI School for the Deaf but with the public district being FAPE accountable. This would increase the public district’s accountable count but not the attending count.
Make certain to set all of the Special Education Program Association's Parentally-Placed Private indicators to 'No'.
Helpful Details/Use Cases: State Schools, such as the WI School for the Deaf, will report students to WISEdata. This means that public schools will no longer submit any data to DPI for accountable students attending WI School for the Deaf. LEAs may elect to track these enrollments within their own student information system; however, these enrollments should be configured such that they are not sent to WISEdata.
Membership/Financial Implication: Each student at Wisconsin’s School for the Deaf will be included in the WI School for the Deaf’s membership count only. The resident school district will retain certain expenses, such as transportation cost, that will be paid out of Fund 27. This student will be included in the school district’s October 1st pupil count. Because Fund 10 will have no direct expenses for educating this student, the student cannot be included in the school district’s September 3rd Friday count or January 2nd Friday counts.