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WISEtraining: Slides and Videos


WISEtraining: Slide Decks and Training Videos


The Customer Services Team provides many training opportunities throughout each school year.

This webpage contains links to slide decks and YouTube video recordings of the most current trainings. Training opportunities can be found on the WISE Events Calendar.

Slide decks: We do our best to provide slides a few days prior to trainings. The slide decks we post will be Microsoft PowerPoint, which will behave differently depending on the internet browser you are using.

  • Microsoft Edge: Clicking links for Microsoft PowerPoint slide decks will open MS items as a tab in the browser. It will give the option to download as well. Edge was formerly known as Internet Explorer.
  • Anything besides Edge (e.g., Google Chrome, Firefox): Clicking links for Microsoft PowerPoint slide decks will create a file download. Locate the download file in your computer’s default download save location.

Videos: Trainings are always recorded, and those recordings can sometimes take a week to get "YouTubed"; we appreciate your patience while these recordings get processed.  

Items on this page organized by annually occurring topics. You can refer to the Year-at-a-Glance section for more details on what topics appear at certain times of the school year.

Click the links below to navigate to different sections of this page:

WISE Events Calendar

Training opportunities can be found on the WISE Events Calendar. Multiple teams provide training (e.g., Customer Services Team, Career/Technical Education Team). Additionally, conferences on multiple topics, including SIS vendor conferences, are also posted. You can also find the next WISE User Group Webinar and view other training opportunities and events that support you and your use of the WISE platform of applications.

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artifactBack to School Season Training Materials

Covering the months of July, August, and September. 


Back to School Kickoff


Back to School Kickoff Agenda/Q&A Doc

Agenda/Q&A Doc

This agenda document also has video links for each session.


Back to School Kickoff Video: 08/21/2024

Part 1 (Morning) Video

Part 2 (afternoon) Video

New User Training for WISEdata Portal

WISEstaff Preliminary Certification Training: Steps 1 & 2 of Staff Collection Checklist


Staff Collection Checklist Steps 1 & 2 Slides

WISEstaff training slide deck for steps 1 & 2 on the Staff Collection Checklist, covering everything that needs to be done for the preliminary certification. 


Staff Collection Checklist Steps 1 & 2 Video

WISEstaff training YouTube video for steps 1 & 2 on the Staff Collection Checklist, covering everything that needs to be done for the preliminary certification


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artifactDecember Snapshot Season Training Materials

Covering the months of October, November, and December. 

December Snapshot training events for the 2024-25 School Year are posted on the WISE Events Calendar.

Take me back to the Snapshot Preparation Guidance webpage, December Snapshot section

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artifactMid-Winter Season Training Materials: Coming Soon!

Covering the months of January, February, and March. 



Slide deck



Video link

The WISEdata Conference is held every year in March. Please visit the WISEdata Conference webpage for detailed information. 

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artifactSpring Snapshot and School Year Close Out Training Materials

Covering the months of April, May, and June. 


Until the new training arrives, here is our May 2024 Snapshot training from the 2023-24 School Year:

Take me back to the Snapshot Preparation Guidance webpage, May Snapshot section.

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Community Resources: Join the WISE Community


  • Who can join? Anyone!

  • What can I expect? The Customer Services Team will post information here: about DPI systems that affect our school users, notifications about upcoming events, and a regularly scheduled communication called “The Top Five” that covers timely reminders and reporting information. Members can also chat with each other – find out who uses your same SIS vendor tool and ask each other questions, get help on how to resolve errors and warnings, and maybe make some new connections!

  • How do I join? To join, complete the following steps:

    • Open a Customer Services Team (CST) Help Ticket.
    • Select “Other” from the applications drop-down menu.
    • Include both your First name and Last Name as you would like to see them appear in the Teams channel.
    • Include your email address.
    • A CST Member will add you to the WISE Community Teams channel.
    • Watch the inbox for the email you provided to us and look for an email from Microsoft.
    • If you are already an active Teams user, you should see the icon for the WISE Community appear amongst your other Teams channels. If you are new to Teams, follow the instructions in the email for how to access the Teams channel.

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WISE Help Ticket


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Please submit a Help Ticket so we may better assist you.

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