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Processing Traumatic Events and Grief

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

We know educators and family members, along all of us at the Wisconsin Department of Puiblic Instruction, have been grappling with how to process the traumatic events we are seeing in the news, from the international stage to our own local experiences. So, we want to share a few resources that have been valuable to us as educators and as caregivers when we talk with the children in our lives about traumatic events and the grief that can accompany them. Below are some resources we hope you find helpful in your own processing.

Please remember, you can reach out to your professional and personal support systems, and you may want to consider stepping back from social media/media if it is feeling overwhelming. Most of all, you do not have to be alone in this.

Resources for processing traumatic stories in the news:

Resources for processing grief:

For a compilation of some of these resources in a shareable format, see this Resources for Families document, and for more resources, including the “Supporting Student Trauma and Grief” webinar with Dr. Schonfeld, visit the DPI Student Services Prevention and Wellness team’s mental health webpage.

It's OK to take breaks. It's OK to ask for help, or to seek community. If you are struggling, please reach out.