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Outreach - RCCI


Outreach is required to inform families of the availability of breakfast and summer meals. Based on the nature of most Residential Child Care Institutions (RCCIs), meals are required to be provided and do not need to be promoted. Outreach is often not practical or necessary; however, because outreach can be beneficial for families, RCCIs should consider doing outreach for the School Breakfast Program and/or the Summer Food Service Program.


School Breakfast Program

  • RCCIs can inform families of breakfast by adding a statement to their intake packet and/or website such as, “This Residential Care Facility participates in the USDA School Breakfast Program and the National School Lunch Program.”

Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)

  • RCCIs can inform students and families of SFSP locations by providing the following information in their outtake packet and/or website:
    • The Summer Meals Locator on the DPI Summer Meals webpage
    • Call 211 to locate meals in the area
    • Text ‘food’ (in English or Spanish) to 304-304 to locate meals in the area