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Virtual Lake Superior Libraries Symposium 2021: Mapping Our Identity

Monday, February 8, 2021

Guest post by Leslie Mehle, Superior Public Library

The organizers of the Lake Superior Libraries Symposium (LSLS) invite breakout session proposals for its ninth conference, which will be held virtually on June 11, 2021. There will be no registration cost for this year’s conference.

This year’s theme, Mapping Our Identity, invites attendees to explore the varied identities of libraries and library workers and how those identities shift in response to external events, personal development, changes in communities, and more. At LSLS21, attendees will ask, and hopefully start to answer, the questions of “Who are we?,” “Who do we want to become?,” and “How are we getting there?”

Possibilities for presentation topics include:

Redefining Boundaries
How have we, as individuals or organizations, broken barriers to create a new sense of who we are? How do we balance our work with our personal lives, especially as many of us now work from home? What do we do - and just as importantly, what don’t we do - to reinvigorate and advance our missions?

Expanding Our Reach
What partnerships have we been involved in, and how have they changed how we position ourselves? How have we reached out in response to recent national and global crises? What types of programming, marketing campaigns, tools, or services have we implemented to reach farther than we used to?

Defining Ourselves
How do our personal identities intertwine with the identity of being a library worker? What happens when we shift jobs or professions partway through our careers? How does learning about our past influence who we are and who we’re becoming?

Protecting Our Identity
How do we ensure the security of the data we collect, the information and resources we steward, and the systems we use? How do we help our patrons protect their identities? How do we show that we value and advocate for the diverse identities of our communities, despite continued marginalization of and violence against some groups?

Perceiving Libraries
How are libraries perceived, by library workers and by our communities? What do we find helpful about how library workers are perceived, and what might we like to change? How do we capitalize on the positive perceptions or address what’s misunderstood?

Successful breakout session presentations will be applicable to many types of libraries and showcase effective and innovative practices. 60-minute breakout sessions should include 10-15 minutes of question and answer. Panel presentations, particularly those representing a diversity of library types, sizes, and/or locations, are strongly encouraged. LSLS 2021 will be held virtually. The steering committee will provide more information about the virtual format to breakout session presenters upon notice of their presentation's acceptance.

Breakout session presenters should submit proposals at All proposals should be submitted by March 14th. Presenters will be notified of acceptance in April.

LSLS allows library staff to share their expertise, learn from their colleagues, and network to develop a stronger community of information professionals. Staff from all types of libraries are encouraged to attend. The event is organized and supported by library staff and educators from Minnesota and Wisconsin; for a full list of our supporters, see

For questions about proposals and submissions, please contact Lisa Wheeler at A complete listing of speakers and agenda will be released in April.


Professional Learning - An Update on PLSR Recommendation 7

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

On the heels of the recent Public Library System Redesign (PLSR) Implementation Update, this post offers an update on PLSR Recommendation 7 - Professional Learning. View a short video version of this update here (6:36).

The DPI team managing this recommendation area includes Cindy Fesemyer, Ben Miller, Gail Murray, Elizabeth Neuman, Shannon Schultz, Monica Treptow, Tessa Michaelson Schmidt (team lead), and Bruce Smith (PLSR coordinator). We are also partnering with the IT team at DPI to create a roadmap for the technical solutions.

A User Advisory Group for PLSR 7 launched in November 2020. This group is comprised of library and system staff from around the state with a range of perspectives and experiences. The group will provide formal feedback through beta testing and other tasks. User Advisory Group members include: Erica Brewster, John Mark Bolthouse, David Kranz, Leah Langby, Vince Mussehl, Brooke Newberry, Ivana Renteria, Viridiana Rocha, Joy Schwarz, Lisa Strohschoen, and Alicia Woodland. 

Recommendation 7 includes technical solutions, such a learning management system, as well as the collaborative solutions, such as how we create and connect around continuing education, or more accurately, professional learning. We use the term professional learning to acknowledge that we are all learning, whether at the start of a career or specific to a certain position.

Rather than emphasize one tool, a learning management system, and a particular outcome, library director certification, this recommendation emphasizes a suite of resources for a range of library and system staff. In the coming year, efforts will be made to develop:

  1. A shared professional learning calendar
  2. An online library directory, and
  3. An online platform for public library director certification.

Priorities for the PLSR 7 implementation process have been, and will continue to be, influenced by voices from the library community. Formal feedback sessions, as well as big picture observations from library life during the pandemic, emphasize equitable access to professional learning as a top priority.

Please direct all questions and comments to


Update WISCAT & BadgerLink URLs by December 1!

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Do you link to your library’s WISCAT instance or any BadgerLink resources on your library website?

As of September 30th, 2019, all WISCAT & BadgerLink resource URLs changed. Our vendor is currently providing a redirect but that will no longer be in effect as of December 1, 2020.


For reference, the updated URL structure for linking directly to your library’s WISCAT instance is where XXXX = your library’s WISCAT code. If your WISCAT link ends with reset=force, it is outdated and will not work after December 1.

The updated URL structure for linking to BadgerLink’s authenticated URLs (e.g. Academic Search Premier) is formatted as: As of December 1, 2020, there will no longer be a redirect when using this outdated authenticated URL structure for BadgerLink Resources:

Take a look at your WISCAT & BadgerLink URLs and contact us at or with any questions!


Power Your Job Search with Google Tools, a virtual workshop for staff and patrons

Friday, October 16, 2020

WI DPI is partnering with Grow with Google and the American Library Association to help our communities learn digital skills, with a virtual workshop on Tuesday, November 10, 9:00 – 10:00 AM.

A Grow with Google trainer will teach your patrons and library staff to discover new job opportunities using Google Search, and learn how to organize and enhance the job search experience using Google Workspace tools.

In this session we’ll discuss best practices for:

  • Discovering career opportunities using Job Search on Google
  • Using Google Sheets to track the progress of job applications
  • Creating a resume using Google Docs


Again, this workshop is for patrons and staff alike. Please share this learning opportunity in your community and in your library using these ready-to-go marketing items, including a flyer and social media images and messaging.

About Grow with Google:

Grow with Google helps ensure that the opportunities created by technology are available to everyone. Since launching in 2017, we’ve trained more than three million Americans on digital skills. And through a network of more than 5,000 partner organizations–including local libraries, schools, and nonprofits–more people across the country can reach their full potential. To learn more about Grow with Google partners and the available tools and resources, visit



Register Now for Tech Days 2020

Monday, August 17, 2020

Guest post by Joy Schwarz, Continuing Education and Training Librarian for Winnefox Library System and the NEWI: Northeastern Wisconsin CE Partnership

Learn from experts without having to travel — we've transformed our annual event from workshops to webinars!

Registration is now open for Tech Days 2020, a series of four webinars over two days, September 23 – 24. The schedule of sessions is as follows:

  • Wednesday, Sep. 23, 10:00 - 11:30am – Technology Training for Non-Techies. Helping patrons navigate their technology needs can be daunting when you’re not super confident in your own “techie” skills! Now that we’ve moved to a new world where virtual work and remote services have become central, many library workers must (to one degree or another) provide some level of tech support and training to their patrons while learning new skills themselves. How can we make sure we’re ready to support patron needs when we’re not so confident ourselves? During this session, we will explore some ways we can answer this at both an organizational and individual level, and share some tips for making sure that even the least tech-savvy among us can find our comfort zone. Presenter: Emily Clasper. Technology-related continuing education contact hours: 1.5
  • Wednesday, Sep. 23, 1:00 - 2:30pm – Mind the Gap: How to Navigate Your Way Across the Digital Divide (And Why That Isn't As Easy As It Sounds). The headline version is simple – the “born digital” generation can handle any technology changes that come their way and the older generations cannot – but is that true, especially in light of the pandemic and an increased reliance on technology to work and live? How do librarians keep themselves up-to-date on new tech developments and ensure that patrons who need help with tech are able to find it? In this session, we'll explore the concept of the digital divide, examine just where this divide exists, and how we as librarians can help bridge the gap to keep all our patrons, digitally competent or otherwise, happy. After this session, participants will be able to discuss the concept of a digital divide in terms of age, race, gender and class; create physical and remote library space that is welcoming to people of all levels of technological competence; and locate tools and resources to assist patrons who may want help using new technology. Presenter: Kris Turner. Technology-related continuing education contact hours: 1.5
  • Thursday, Sep. 24, 10:00 - 11:30am – Productivity and Technology. It may be hard to remember sometimes, but technology is here to make your life easier. There are great tools out there to help you be more productive and efficient, both on the job and at home. Join us as we do a rapid-fire review of a series of great low-cost and free tools that prove that technology is still your friend. Presenter: Kris Turner. Technology-related continuing education contact hours: 1.5
  • Thursday, Sep. 24, 1:00 - 2:30pm – Change is a Constant: Technology, Service, and Constant Change. The one sure thing about technology is that it changes constantly, often leading library workers experiencing anxiety, frustration, and “tech burnout” as we struggle to stay abreast of the latest updates impacting our colleagues and patrons. Now, the uncertainty and changes brought by the Coronavirus pandemic have caused these issues to multiply. This session tackles the difficulties library workers often face as we deal with the pressures of system updates, device upgrades, learning new technologies, and dealing with information overload. We will discuss strategies for keeping up, staying confident, and guiding others through the ups and downs of constant change and new technology challenges. Presenter: Emily Clasper. Technology-related continuing education contact hours: 1.5

You must register for each webinar individually at More information is available at that link, and you can also access resources from the 2015-19 workshops.

All webinar sessions will be recorded and available at the Resources page.

There is no charge to attend Tech Days webinars, thanks to sponsorship by all 16 library systems and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Public Library Development Team, with funding support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Questions? Contact Joy Schwarz at

Posted by Cindy Fesemyer


Governor’s Task Force on Broadband Access: high-speed broadband is a necessity

Thursday, July 16, 2020

On July 14, Governor Evers announced the creation of the Governor’s Task Force on Broadband Access, responding to the need for everyone in Wisconsin to have access to fast, reliable, affordable internet service. Evers said, “The COVID-19 pandemic underscored that access to high-speed broadband is a necessity, not a luxury, and folks across our state have had to adapt – from kids and educators shifting to virtual classrooms, workers having to work from home, and even folks using telemedicine to visit with their doctor.”

There are 24 task force members, including Kurt Kiefer, Assistant State Superintendent at the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction; representatives of telecommunications providers; state senators and representatives; economic and community development officials; health care leaders; IT directors; and education advocates.

The Task Force is directed to:

  • Research and recommend forward-looking broadband policies and initiatives
  • Promote expansion of broadband facilities and adoption across the state
  • Report to the Governor and Legislature, annually by June 30, on:
    • Recommendations for deployment of broadband in Wisconsin
    • Digital inclusion and strategies for addressing gaps and inequities
    • Opportunities for coordination among state, local, and federal agencies
    • Needs, barriers, and goals regarding broadband access, affordability, and adoption
    • Innovative approaches and partnerships to expand broadband adoption
    • The role of broadband in:
      • education
      • healthcare
      • agriculture
      • manufacturing
      • industry
      • Tribal Nations
      • energy
      • libraries
      • public safety
      • tourism
    • The extent to which stakeholders have accessed federal Universal Service Funds
    • Advances in broadband technology
    • The adequacy and appropriateness of existing statutory broadband goals
    • Top priority broadband issues, presented in technical or white papers


For questions about this information, contact Bill Herman

More Virtual Training on BadgerLink Resources

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Join us for even more virtual training on BadgerLink resources! Sign up to receive meeting details for any or all of the sessions below:


TeachingBooks on Wednesday, May 27, 11am

TeachingBooks on Wednesday, May 27, 2pm (same session content as 11am)

Explore videos filmed in authors’ studios, lessons, book trailers, and vocabulary lists. Discover resources that will expand the experience readers have with books. Deepen connections to books while discovering online materials to engage readers, support families, and empower colleagues.

Book Connections on Friday, May 29, 11am

Book Connections on Friday, May 29, 2pm (same session content as 11am)

Book Connections is a recently launched public library interface of TeachingBooks specifically designed to meet the needs of public libraries and their communities. It focuses on enriching everyone's connections to children's and young adult books.


Recordings of each session will be made available after the session. If you would like to receive notification of the recording, please feel out the sign up form, even if you are unable to attend the live session.


For questions about this information, contact Jennifer Champoux (608) 224-5390

Digitization Kits Help Libraries Broaden Access to Unique Local Collections

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Guest post by Vicki Tobias, WiLS/Recollection Wisconsin

Public libraries across Wisconsin collect and preserve some truly magnificent materials that document their community’s history. Unlike books and other library resources, these collections typically cannot be checked out, limiting access only to on-site, in-person patrons. Digitizing and sharing resources online significantly improve public use of these one-of-a-kind collections. For libraries that lack time or resources to set up their own digitization work environment, circulating scanning kits from the South Central Library System (SCLS) are a proverbial game-changer, making it easier and faster to do this valuable work.

Funded as part of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s WISELearn program, 20 scanning kits were distributed to Wisconsin library systems for use among their member libraries. The kits include a flatbed scanner, a laptop and other key equipment necessary to digitize photographic prints, slides and historic documents.

With training and assistance from SCLS and Recollection Wisconsin, several libraries have already completed local history digitization projects using the kits. Two recent projects that showcase educational institutions in Wisconsin were completed by Milton Public Library and Pauline Haass Public Library (Sussex). Milton Public Library collaborated with the Milton College Preservation Society to digitize historic photographs of the library and Milton College, which closed in 1982. The Pauline Haass Public Library Historic Digital Collection currently features yearbooks with plans this year to add newsletters and memorabilia from local schools.

Milton College classroom
Image ID: MPL_MiltonCollege_034
Title/Caption: Milton College classroom.
Source: Milton Public Library

A survey of recent scanning kit users revealed overwhelming support for the kits, as they offer library staff learning opportunities while building digital collections. Survey respondents unanimously indicated an increase in confidence and skills to complete future digitization projects using the kits and, likewise, acknowledged the time and resource savings benefit for their organizations.

“The kits provided all the resources necessary to successfully achieve our digitization project.” Ashlee Kunkel, Milton Public Library Director

Collections digitized using these scanning kits are publicly available online through Recollection Wisconsin and the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA).

Visit Recollection Wisconsin for detailed information about the kits including digitization workflows, templates and other resources. Libraries interested in reserving a scanning kit may contact their library system for more information.


Virtual Training on BadgerLink Resources

Friday, May 8, 2020

Join us for virtual training on BadgerLink resources! Sign up to receive meeting details for any or all of the sessions below:

Recordings of each session will be made available after the session. If you would like to receive notification of the recording, please feel out the sign up form, even if you are unable to attend the live session.

Written by Jen Champoux, Resources for Libraries & Lifelong Learning


For questions about this information, contact Jennifer Champoux (608) 224-5390

Webinar Repeat--Unemployment Insurance Basics: Assisting Library Patrons

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Webinar: Unemployment Insurance Basics: Assisting Library Patrons

Monday, May 18, 10:00-11:00 AM

Login here, no registration necessary. Sorry there is no option to call in via phone.

The way Wisconsinites sign up for and apply for unemployment is changing rapidly, sometimes multiple times a day. As such, the DPI Public Library Team is repeating the Unemployment Insurance webinar originally given on April 27, 2020. Ann Astin will include up-to-the-moment tips. This webinar does not have a seat capacity so everyone will be able to access it. It will be recoded and captioned, as well.


Wisconsinites are registering for Unemployment Benefits at a record rate in response to COVID-19. The Libraries Activating Workforce Development Skills (LAWDS) project can help you prepare to offer well-informed guidance.

This webinar from the Department of Workforce Development (DWD) trains public library staff on how to register on Wisconsin’s Unemployment Insurance Benefit Services Site, and how to complete an application.

Webinar participants will gain confidence in:

1) Navigating

2) Answering General Unemployment Insurance Questions

3) Demonstrating Best Practices for Library Staff

Participants are encouraged to watch these two short explainer videos before attending the webinar:



The webinar will be led by Ann Astin. Ann has been with the Department of Workforce Development (DWD) for more than 10 years and currently works in the Division of Employment and Training (DET)/Job Service Bureau. For the last 5 years she has led the DET side of the Re-employment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) Program as the RESEA/Unemployment Insurance (UI) Specialist. Before that, she worked with the Trade Adjustment Assistance program for both Job Service and UI.

The LAWDS project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

We hope you can join one of the webinars or access the recording at your convenience.

If you have questions please contact

