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Inquiry Process

2022-23 Accountability Data Inquiry Period: October 3 - 16

The deadline to open an inquiry for the 2022-23 accountability data inquiry period was October 16th.

The preliminary secure release of the 2022-23 report cards on October 3rd, 2023 opens the inquiry period, a window of time in which schools and districts can notify OEA of suspected data submission errors. Please note that the deadline to open an inquiry was October 16th and OEA will continue to work with you to submit corrections files and evidence.

If changes from a data inquiry are substantiated, OEA will manually correct the student-level data and update the report cards accordingly. Consistent with past inquiry periods, no data corrections will alter the value-added growth outcomes as these calculations are produced outside of DPI and cannot be altered. Additionally, no data corrections will alter what is reported in the WISEdash Public Portal as this is certified and locked data. If your inquiry results in an update for the report card, we encourage you to file a data errata letter.

Federal Accountability (ESSA & IDEA) Report Inquiries

The ESSA Accountability Reports and IDEA LEA Determinations are part of the federal systems of school and district identification that are separate from school and district report cards. Though these systems of identification are distinct, there is overlap in the data sources and the data inquiry period from October 3-16 applies to both of these accountability systems. Any changes that may result from a data inquiry may carry forward to related ESSA Accountability Reports and IDEA LEA Determinations per the Guide to Correctable Data linked below. There is no separate inquiry period for ESSA Accountability Reports and IDEA LEA Determinations.

Inquiry Resources

The report card resources page contains resources to assist you in the inquiry process, including the following documents: