Resources for 2022-23 Report Cards
These resources are specific to the 2022-23 school and district report cards, which are released in the Fall of 2023.
Please use caution when interpreting scores and ratings. Careful review of the detailed data on all pages is encouraged. Additionally, take into consideration that multiple years of data impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic are used throughout the report card in most of the priority area scores:
- Achievement and Growth require two years of data (2022-23 and 2021-22 required) and may use up to three years of data (including 2020-21).
- The graduation, attendance, and absenteeism components in On-Track to Graduation use lagged data (from 2021-22) and absenteeism scores may use up to three years of data (including 2020-21 and 2019-20).
- Target Group Outcomes follows the same rules as the Achievement, Growth, and On-Track to Graduation priority areas including lagged data as well as multiple years of data.
Please see the Report Card Weighting Calculator to learn more about how priority areas are re-weighted when data for a particular priority area are not available.
Communication & Interpretive Resources
Local Report Card (optional template)
Parent Letter Templates
- Value-Added Growth Guide
Technical & Data Resources
Accountability Trainers
Each of the six largest districts and each of the CESAs has identified at least one Accountability Trainer who can assist schools and districts with accountability questions, interpretation and troubleshoot data issues related to the report cards.
Accountability Trainers by CESA and District
For resources related to Wisconsin’s federal ESSA accountability system, please visit the OEA Federal Accountability (ESSA) page.