On January 12th, 2022, the Assembly Committee on Education asked the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) to generate accountability results for 2020-21 using the 2018-19 report card business rules as opposed to the rules in effect for the 2020-21 report card. Data request 618 fulfills the committee's request for clarification around the similarities and differences between 2020-21 report cards and 2020-21 results using 2018-19 business rules.
Data Request 618 should not be used to draw conclusions about school and district performance in the 2020-21 year. The school and district report cards released in November, 2021 are the state accountability results for the 2020-21 year. They reflect statistically sound metrics and are the result of years of technical work and engagement with schools, districts, and other education stakeholders to improve score stability and usability for continuous improvement efforts. DPI recommends careful reference to the official school and district report cards available on DPI's public report card app.
An additional data request was made to the Office of Educational Accountability on a set of specific school-level outcomes. Included in the requested data set were overall and priority area scores from the 2018-19 report cards and newly-calculated overall and priority area scores using 2020-21 business rules with 2018-19 data. This file is also posted below.
Data Request 618 Files
- Data Request 618 Summary Memo
- 2022_Data_Request_618_Assembly_Ed_Committee.xlsx - 2021 results using 2018-19 business rules
- Sch_Dist_2018-19_Data_Old_and_New_Bus_Rules.xlsx - 2018-19 results using 2020-21 business rules