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Course and Program Data in Report Cards

State statute (Wis. Stat. 115.385) requires DPI to report course data annually in Accountability Report Cards. This includes the following types of courses:

Postsecondary preparation, including:

  • The number and percent of pupils attending a course through the Early College Credit Program (Dual Enrollment);
  • The number and percent of pupils participating in a Youth Apprenticeship;

  • The number of pupils earning industry-recognized credentials;

  • The number of Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate courses offered to, and credits earned by, pupils; and

  • The number of community service hours provided by pupils.

Arts course data, including:

  • The percentage of students participating in Arts Courses.
  • Arts is defined as dance, music, theatre, and art & design courses.



The data are collected for grades 9-12 only and appear in high school and district report cards, starting with 2020-21 report cards.

These data will be reported for informational purposes only (not scored). Statute explicitly prohibits Arts course data from being scored. There are no statutory provisions regarding whether postsecondary preparation data should be scored or only provided for informational purposes. Based upon input from our Accountability Advisory Group, comprised of school, district, and CESA staff, and after gathering additional feedback from stakeholders across the state, postsecondary preparation data reporting mirror that of Arts data - i.e., be for informational purposes only - in report cards for the near future.


Course Data Submission

Both postsecondary preparation and Arts course data, along with additional course information, are collected as part of WISEdata Roster, and will be reported in WISEdash. Note that, like graduation and attendance data, course data lag by one year on report cards. (For example, 2020-21 report cards include 2019-20 course data.) Additional information and resources can be found on the DPI WISEdata Roster page.

DPI is still working through the process of collecting community service hours and will send future instructions once this process is solidified.

Course data will not appear on report cards for Choice schools because these schools do not currently provide data through WISEdata Roster.


For questions about course and program data and accountability, please email