Wisconsin has separate state and federal accountability systems. To compare the two school accountability systems, please refer to the Accountability Crosswalk.
The purpose of the state accountability system (the Accountability Report Cards, also known as the School and District Report Cards) is to provide a rating system that meaningfully differentiates school and district outcomes across the performance spectrum.
The purpose of the federal accountability system is to identify the lowest performing schools and student groups for support as required in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The federal ESSA accountability system ranks performance resulting in the following identification categories:
- Comprehensive Support & Improvement (CSI),
- Targeted Support & Improvement (TSI),
- Additional Targeted Support & Improvement (ATSI),
- or Not Identified.
To learn more about the work of the Office of Educational Accountability, please use the links in the menu located on the left side of the page. Questions may be directed to the Office of Educational Accountability.
Information about IDEA accountability is available on the DPI Federal Identifications webpage. Questions about IDEA accountability may be directed to the DPI Office of Special Education.