Annual cycles of identification are required under two major federal laws: the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Identifications under each law use specific data and criteria to identify schools and districts that are having difficulty meeting the needs of all students. For example, a school identified under ESSA may have a persistent achievement gap, or a district identified under IDEA may show a pattern of identifying students for special education in ways that are racially disproportionate. These types of issues can be difficult to detect without looking at specific data.
Identifications bring issues to light and allow the DPI to reach out and make sure schools and districts have the tools, resources, and supports they need to move forward and continuously improve.
Understanding Identifications
Districts receive reports with federal identification data each year. Preliminary data is available in February, and final data, including IDEA disproportionality data, is available in April. ESSA identification data and a partially redacted version of LEA determination data are made public at that time. Disproportionality information is sensitive and is not made public.
- IDEA Identifications Improvement Requirements
- LEA Guide to TSI and ATSI Identifications
- Brief Guide to ESSA Identifications
- ESSA Accountability Report Guide
- ESSA School Identifications page
ESSA identifications are at the school level. Schools may have multiple identifications. Schools identified within each of these categories are required to complete certain actions to exit the category: Note: CSI and ATSI identifications are normally made every three years. Schools identified at the start of an identification cycle form a cohort and remain part of that cohort until exit criteria are met. Determinations regarding LEA compliance with IDEA are made annually at the district level. The categories are: LEAs meeting criteria for “Needs Assistance” for two years in a row, as well as those meeting criteria for “Needs Intervention” or “Needs Substantial Intervention, are required to complete certain actions to correct noncompliance with IDEA and exit the category. In making LEA determinations, DPI uses a point-based system with a combination of compliance indicators and results indicators. Compliance indicators focus on the following: Results indicators focus on rates (percentages) for students with IEPs in the following areas: For more details, visit the Determination of Compliance with IDEA Requirements web page. An examination of LEA data may reveal indicators of racial or ethnic disproportionality in identification, placement in particular educational settings, and/or discipline of students with disabilities. Districts meeting criteria for “Significant Disproportionality” in any of these categories are required to complete certain actions to exit the category. Criteria are below. District joint federal notification packets, with ESSA and IDEA identification information, are housed in the SAFE (Secure Access File Exchange) system, which can be accessed via WISEhome. SAFE also provides districts with access to student outcome data and inquiry tools. For help accessing the system, visit the SAFE web page. Joint federal notification packets contain the following reports: The Continuous Improvement Performance Report provides a data summary with both IDEA district-level and ESSA school-level identifications. The report includes all public schools within a district. This report is accessible to any WISEgrants user who has edit or view access to IDEA or ESEA grants. From the Reports menu, select “CIPR Data Report.” ESSA identification data and a partially redacted version of LEA determination data are made public in March/April. Disproportionality information is sensitive and is not made public. Additional information about ESSA identifications, including identification timelines and explanations of reports and calculations, is available on the Federal Accountability webpage.
Federal Identification Reports in SAFE
Continuous Improvement Performance Report in WISEgrants
Public Information
Required Actions for Identified Schools and Districts
The information below is an overview. The DPI provides detailed requirements and deadlines–as well as annual Progress-to-Exit Reports where applicable–to districts that have been identified or have identified schools.
Notes on LEA Responsibilities to Support Schools Identified Under ESSA:
- Since the reports with identification data do not go directly to the schools, it is important for LEAs to share relevant identifications and data with schools.
- LEAs are responsible for reviewing improvement plans and monitoring implementation for schools identified for TSI and ATSI. LEAs should develop any needed processes and deadlines to ensure school improvement activities align with ESSA requirements.
- In 2018-19, each LEA submitted its plan for implementing ESSA. LEAs with ESSA-identified schools must respond to additional ESSA LEA Plan Questions within WISEgrants to describe how the LEA will support identified schools and ensure ESSA requirements are met. The questions, as well as a rubric for responses, are found in the LEA Plan Roadmap.
Though the specific requirements differ, essentially, schools and districts are asked to engage in a robust continuous improvement process to understand and address the issues that resulted in the identification. This may support and build on existing improvement efforts and does not have to involve creating an entirely new plan or process, depending on the unique situation. Wisconsin’s continuous improvement framework conceptualizes improvement as a Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle, with an ongoing assessment of Readiness to ensure a foundation of systems and practices to support sustainability. Best practices for continuous improvement (many of which align with federal requirements) include the following: The Resources and Supports for Continuous Improvement page offers more tools and resources to help leverage identification data and federal requirements for continuous improvement. Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) Required Activities (summary) Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) Required Activities (summary) Be informed by indicators defined in the ESSA State Plan (e.g., identification data contained in the ESSA Accountability Report) and address each student group for which the school has an identification, Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) Required Activities (summary) Schools identified under ESSA must, at a minimum, engage the following groups in planning: Additional groups may also need to be included depending on local context. Consider the following: Required Activities for LEAs with Determinations of Needs Assistance (two or more years), Needs Intervention, Needs Substantial Intervention (summary) Required Activities for LEAs with Significant Disproportionality (summary)
Other Important Information
Official Email Communications
A searchable compilation of DPI emails to district administrators can be found at DPI communicates timelines and other details related to a particular identification cycle in the reports provided to LEAs and via email.