About WISExplore
WISExplore provides processes and resources supporting data-informed decision-making for school and district leaders. The WISExplore data inquiry process is central to this work. Professional learning resources are provided to support data leadership, data literacy and the inquiry process for educators statewide.
The WISExplore process actively engages educators with WISEdash portals and other sources to build capacity for data inquiry. The ultimate goal is for educators to design and implement culturally responsive continuous improvement based on their analyses.
The WISExplore team works in conjunction with several DPI education initiatives including: Educator Effectiveness, the Continuous Improvement Process, Multi-Level System of Supports, Instructional Materials and Professional Learning and Strategic Assessment Systems.
Connect with the WISExplore Team at wisexplore@cesa7.org.
Data Inquiry Process

Modules, tools and resources to support data inquiry.
Coaching and Additional Support

Resources to support professional growth and capacity-building in data literacy and inquiry mindset.