WISExplore Data Inquiry Process
The Data Inquiry Process includes Student Data Inquiry, Practices Data Inquiry, and Improvement Planning. Each part guides teams through a needs assessment, root cause analysis, and continuous improvement. This can be used for improvement planning, program evaluation, grants or student/school learning objectives (SLOs). The Data Inquiry Journal (DIJ) tool guides users through the process.
Part 1: Student Data Inquiry
The process begins with a focus of need from state assessments, state or federal accountability or program evaluations and may be determined by an equity concern, a curriculum review cycle or a district's strategic plan.
Student Data Inquiry Learning Module
Part 2: Practices Inquiry
This part of the process guides teams to research evidence-based improvement strategies and inquire about local educator practices that may be contributors to student data outcomes.
Part 3: Improvement Planning
Using a theory of action resulting from inquiry during Parts 1 & 2, teams prepare a detailed action plan for implementing and sustaining an evidence-based improvement strategy.
Improvement Planning Learning Module
Data Inquiry Journal (DIJ)
The Data Inquiry Journal (DIJ) is a dynamic tool for individuals or teams to document continuous plans within WISEdash for Districts. The DIJ can be shared among team members that have permission.
Data Inquiry Journal Module and Slides
Data Inquiry Process for School Improvement Video
This video provides an overview of how the data inquiry process can be used as a tool to guide schools and districts through the school improvement process.
Coaching and Additional Support