Connecting Standards, Instructional Materials, and Professional Learning for Equitable Outcomes
Teachers deserve high-quality instructional materials and ongoing support to implement those materials. Mounting evidence suggests that providing teachers with access to high-quality, standards-aligned instructional materials and curriculum-based professional learning is a continuous improvement strategy showing promise.
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction aims to improve support for all teachers by ensuring districts have the information they need to select high-quality instructional materials and to provide professional learning for effective implementation of those materials in English language arts and mathematics.
Equity for Teachers, Equity for Students
Select high-quality, standards-aligned instructional materials as part of a coherent curriculum plan.
Implement materials within current work such as continuous improvement, educator effectiveness, equitable multi-level systems of support, or school improvement plans.
Provide teachers with ongoing professional learning opportunities to build knowledge of and ability to use materials.
Quality and Alignment Checks
Instructional Materials
As a local control state, districts and schools in Wisconsin make important decisions regarding instructional materials. EdReports is one tool to determine whether instructional materials are aligned to Wisconsin’s academic standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics. View their rubrics and ratings of specific curricula.
If your instructional materials are not included on EdReports, see the Instructional Materials Evaluation Tool from Achieve to evaluate alignment.
Materials-Based Professional Learning
Schools can choose professional learning providers to aid in adoption, implementation, and ongoing support with high-quality instructional materials. Rivet Education evaluates and recommends the high-quality professional learning partners who provide curriculum-aligned services in Wisconsin through the Professional Learning Partner Guide.