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Updating Your Membership Data

Thursday, February 1, 2024

If you need to amend the PI-1563 September and/or January reports for 2023-24, the process depends on whether or not your district has been selected for a membership audit this year.

Selected for a Membership Audit

The PI-1563 reports will be opened to districts selected for a membership audit. Changes identified over the course of the audit are made directly in the PI-1563 by modifying the original data. Auditors are not allowed to make changes, but they can use the “Audit Changes: Summary” document from the PI-1563 in their audit procedures.

Once DPI has received the membership audit report from your auditor, the PI-1563 will be closed for your district. If changes are identified after the audit report has been submitted, follow the procedure described below under “Not Selected for a Membership Audit.” Your auditor must concur in writing to any changes made after the audit report has been received.

Not Selected for a Membership Audit

Other districts requiring changes to their PI-1563 reports must first email a request to You will need to provide an explanation that includes:

  • Which count date is to be changed;
  • What changes are to be made;
  • Why the changes are required; and
  • The contact for any questions.

Once we have confirmed the explanation, we will open your district’s PI-1563 and email you. After editing the PI-1563 report, be sure to re-submit it so that the changes are officially recorded, and then print and sign the certification page for your records. When you have finished, email so we can close your district's PI-1563. Save the printed and signed certification page and be prepared to outline what changes were included for each edit (this expectation applies throughout the year, not just during membership audits).