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Debt Reporting Information


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Sec. 120.115, Wis. Stats., states that within 10 days of any change to a district's debt service repayment schedule, a new debt service schedule must be submitted to DPI.

School districts must report long term debt amortization schedules via the Wisconsin School Finance Portal (WiSFiP). Districts must enter expected future principal and interest payments for each individual long term debt issue.

To obtain instructions for entering district debt information, click on the "Instructions For Entering Long Term Debt Into WiSFiP" link below. You may also proceed to WiSFiP to begin entering long term debt amortization schedules.

Related Information

New DPI Reporting Option - Bid Premiums

Historically, bid premiums have been recorded as a revenue in Source 968, in Funds 38 or 39, in the fiscal year received.  Beginning in the 2017-18 fiscal year for DPI reporting purposes, a district can now record bid premiums in excess of the current year debt service payments for the issue generating the bid premium as "Deferred Revenue" in the year of receipt in balance sheet account 816900. The bid premium, however, must be recorded as a revenue in Source 968 in the subsequent year.