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Entering Long Term Debt into WiSFiP


  1. Access the Wisconsin School Finance Portal (WiSFiP) and log in.
  2. Under Financial Data Reporting, click on Debt Schedules.
  3. Click on Manage Debt Schedules to update or add new debt.
  4. To see all years, click the Show All button in the right-hand corner.
  5. To enter a new debt issue, select the Debt Type and click the +To Add New Record, first select the Debt Type.
  6. Fill in the:
    1. Schedule Name;
    2. WUFAR Fund;
    3. WUFAR Function;
    4. Issue Date;
    5. Start Date;
    6. Maturity Date;
    7. Original Amount and;
    8. Amount Before Start (only if an amount was paid on the debt issue prior to issuance)
  7. Press the Update button. The schedule then will populate with the lines based on the Start Date and Maturity Date.
  8. To expand the debt schedule, click the triangle to the left of the Debt Schedule Name.
  9. Add or edit the principal and interest payments scheduled based off the debt schedule. The debt schedule will automatically calculate the ending balance based on the principal payments entered once updated.
  10. Once all changes have been made, confirm that the ending balance for the debt schedule is zero.
For questions about this information, contact (608) 267-9114