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WISEdata Finance and Financial Reporting Podcast

The School Financial Services team is excited to announce a new opportunity to update LEAs on school finance reporting and our on-going transition to our new system.

Join us for the WISEdata Finance and Financial Reporting podcast, where Matt Baier, SFS fiscal data coordinator, and other members of the SFS team will provide software and school finance reporting updates, and provide time to field questions and hear feedback. The structure of the podcast will be free form with no pre-set agenda with the team focusing on providing up-to-the-minute information to the field.

WISEdata Finance is Wisconsin's next-generation financial reporting system for school districts and other local education agencies (LEAs) to push financial data to DPI. The Wisconsin School Finance Portal (WiSFiP) is the future platform for all school finance reporting and is being developed and expanded in conjunction with WISEdata Finance, as reports in the existing SAFR portal are retired.

Our partners, CESA 4, have transitioned to a new registration platform to access the podcast. Please use this link to register for the WISEdata Finance Podcast. You will receive notifications and the link for the upcoming episodes.

The podcasts will be scheduled for roughly twice a month, with some variation due to holidays, conference schedules, etc. The podcast will be scheduled on weeks opposite the WISEgrants Podcast. Both podcasts will be during the same timeslot (7:45 am to 8:30 am). Upcoming dates are posted below, along with a link to register to access the podcast and receive podcast notifications. All podcasts will be recorded and will be available for your convenient viewing shortly after the podcast airs.

The SFS team would like to thank the dedicated staff of CESA 4, who have partnered with us to help make this platform for valuable technical assistance available.

Upcoming Dates (7:45 am to 8:30 am Tuesdays):

July 2 30
August 27  
September 10 24
October 8 22
November 5 19
December 3  


Recorded Podcasts:

Date Summary Recording
Jul 2 Transitioning Vendor Products - On Record Amounts - Validation Updates for 2023-24 / Clearing Validations - SPED Annual Report View
May 21 SPED Annual Report - Fiscal Year Reminders - Budget Report submission - Updates to Annual Report for 2024-25 View
May 7 General Updates on Reporting - SPED Annual Report development - Wisconsin School Finance Public Reports application development - WiSFiP Auditor Access View
Apr 23 Referenda Module Changes - SPED Annual Report updates - Independent Charter School Financial Reporting Workshop (CESA 1) - Upcoming Conferences - Budget Report - Annual Report Debt Schedule Fund Balances - Development of Common School Fund / OPEB Addenda for next year - Budget Adoption and Publication View
Mar 26 School-Level Reporting - Budget Report 2023-24 - SPED Annual Report Updates for 2023-24 - Financial Dashboard - WISEdata Finance Reminders - Upcoming April Referenda Reporting - WiSFiP Upcoming Development - WUFAR View
Mar 12 School-Level Reporting Updates - Upcoming Special Education Annual Report development - WISEdata Finance reminders - Accounting Conference View
Feb 13 WISEdata Finance Updates - School-Level Reporting demo - Technical Issues - Upcoming development View
Jan 30 School-Level Reporting - WISEdata Finance Updates - De minimis Validations rolled out - Referenda Reporting - High Cost SPED Report open View
Jan 16 School-Level Reporting - High Cost Special Education reporting - Special Education Report / Fund 27 WUFAR Audit - WDF Validation de minimis amount updates - Podcast Schedule - Financial Dashboard View
Dec 5 Tax Levy Report Updates for next year - Budget Report Updates - WISEdata Finance Enhancements - Special Education Annual Report and High Cost SPED Report - School Level Reporting Status Updates - Public Financial Dashboard View
Nov 7 Annual Report Updates - Tax Levy Report upcoming fixes and enhancements - School-level Reporting - Budget Report/WDF VIew
Oct 24 Aid Certification/Annual Report status - Updates on the PI-1505-SE and Reconciliation report - Tax Levy Report - Budget Report - WiSFiP issues View
Oct 10 Aid Run to be relased Friday, October 13 - Annual Report Status - Special Education Reporting updates - School-Level Reporting planned development - Tax Levy Report opening - 2023-24 Budget Report View
Sep 26 District Aid Certification status - Auditor Aid Certification Module - Annual Report Checks - Addenda - Audited Amounts - Q&A View
Sep 12 Clearing Validations - Fund Equity Account Changes from GASB 54 - Checking for Rejected Accounts - District Aid Certification - Upcoming Release of Auditor Aid Certification and Annual Report View
Aug 29 Clearing Validations - District Aid Certification - Technical Issue Updates View
Aug 15 WDF performance - Clearing Validations - Trial Balance Errors and Beginning Fund Balances - Addenda - District Aid Certification > Auditor Aid Certification > Annual Report - SPED Reporting Announcement: Maintaining PI-1505-SE for additional year - Adding Read-Only Role to WiSFiP - Populating 65.90 Budget Adoption and Publication Worksheet View
Aug 1 Budget Report availability - Relocated Debt Schedules in WiSFiP - Data viewable in SAFR - Updates on Addressing Validations and Addenda - Development Status of the Annual Report / Aid Certification process - Updated Beginning Fund Balances to pull from previous year WDF data - Podcast updates  View


For questions about this information, contact Matthew Baier (608) 266-1863