CESA Annual Reports Worksheets
All Annual Report worksheet files are in Microsoft Excel or Adobe PDF format. 2019-2020 reports will be posted once all of them have been received and reviewed by DPI staff.
Disclaimer: In 2020, staff at the DPI worked with the Cooperative Educational Service Agencies to update the annual report document submitted by Wisconsin’s 12 CESAs to be more in line with reporting requirements and the indirect cost plan for CESAs. Annual reports submitted by the CESAs are used in the calculation of the indirect cost rate and reviewed by DPI staff to the financial statements and aids register for completeness. Reporting prior to fiscal year 2019-2020 may not be directly comparable among CESAs or consistent with the current format.
2019-2020 Reports
- CESA #1
- CESA #2
- CESA #3
- CESA #4
- CESA #5
- CESA #6
- CESA #7
- CESA #8
- CESA #9
- CESA #10
- CESA #11
- CESA #12
For questions about this information, contact dpifin@dpi.wi.gov (608) 267-9114