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PI-401 Tax Levies Reporting Instructions

Special Note

School boards must approve levy amounts on or before November 1 each year. The PI-401 will open in WiSFiP for district entry on October 16, 2024, the due date is November 4, 2024.


Each year, per Wis. Stats. 120.12 (3)(a), prior to November 1, each school board must vote a levy necessary to operate and maintain the schools of the school district. In addition, on or before November 10 the district clerk must deliver to the clerk of each municipality a statement showing the proportion of tax to be collected from the property in the school district lying within that municipality (s.120.17(8)(a) Wis. Stats).

This application collects school district tax levy information and replaces all prior paper reporting processes. Levy amounts are entered by fund. Once data is submitted, the program automatically apportions the total levy across municipalities, creates individual municipal tax certification pages and reports information to both the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) and the Department of Revenue (DOR). The PI-401 tax levy data is used by DPI to determine district compliance with the revenue limit statute Wis Stat §121.92.


The district should not enter data into this application unless their revenue limit computation has been updated with their third Friday FTE student enrollment, October 1 Tax Apportionment values and their Aid Certification amounts (thus completing all the information required to ensure the district levies within their revenue limit). Additionally, the school board must have officially voted on levy amounts for that year.

Login into WiSFiP to complete the PI-401 report.

Accessing the PI-401 Tax Levies Report

The PI-401 Tax Levies Report can be accessed through WiSFiP.

The district should not enter data into this application unless their revenue limit computation has been updated with their third Friday FTE student enrollment, October 1 Tax Apportionment values and their Aid Certification amounts (thus completing all the information required to ensure the district levies within their revenue limit). Additionally, the school board must have officially voted on levy amounts for that year.

Tax Levy Input by Fund

After logging into the School Financial Services Reporting Portal, the district is to complete the contact information page. Once that is completed, the district is to enter the tax levy by fund. Districts are reminded to review the data thoroughly. The total levy amount entered should agree with--and equal--the amounts for Fund 10 levy, 14b, Fund 38 non-referendum debt, Fund 41 capital expansion, Fund 39 referendum-approved debt, Fund 80 community service and prior-year levy chargeback of the district’s revenue limit worksheet.

Reporting Referendum Approved Non-Permanent Basis Levy

Per §74.09(3)(db) a school board is required to separately report any tax levies that exceed its annual revenue limit as a result of a successful referendum to exceed the limit on a non-permanent basis. State law requires the levies associated with all debt and non-recurring operation referendums passed after December 31, 2014 to be listed separately. The property tax bill must also include the year in which the non-permanent referendum to exceed the revenue limit no longer applies. To complete this report, the PI-1804 provides a step for districts to complete. Complete this step in the WiSFiP's PI-401 Referendum Approved Non-Permanent Basis Levy step.

Reasonability Report

The next step is to view a reasonability report that compares the current year levy with the prior year levy. If the reasonability report is correct, go to the next page.

Submitting the PI-401 to DPI Along with Printing the Certification Page and PI-1508 Forms

While submitting the PI-401 to the DPI, the user may have to click on "Review Your Answers" which will take the user to the FY 20XX-20XX Tax Levy summary. Please review this data for accuracy.

Once in that page, select the PI-1508 Forms link found in the Helpful Links section. After these forms are downloaded, print the PI-1508 and then the PI-401 tax levy certification page. The district is required to sign the forms and maintain these forms in the district records. The School District's Clerk--along with a Notary Public--must sign these forms. Once signed, the district must send these completed forms to their municipalities.

Note that the levy by municipality has already been calculated. This information will be electronically submitted by DPI to DOR on the district’s behalf. There is no longer a paper form that is submitted to DOR.