Preparation Workbook Available
An Excel workbook consisting of a series of worksheets can be used to "pre-edit" and identify potential errors in district data required in the Department of Public Instruction's (DPI) State Aid Financial Reporting (SAFR) Internet application. You are strongly encouraged to complete the appropriate worksheets to validate your data before you begin the PI-1505.
Reminders for 2020-21 Reporting
New Accounts
Changes to Fund 60 for Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement #84
The PI-1505 has been updated to include revenue, expenditure and fund balance accounts needed if the district implemented GASB Statement #84. Accordingly, additional edit checks have been created to ensure Fund 60 balances. If GASB Statement #84 was not implemented, the district will record assets and liabilities that equal.
Balance Sheet Account Required for Common School Fund Revenues Not Spent
To account for common school fund revenue received but unspent in the fiscal year, districts are required to restrict fund balance for unspent common school fund revenues and report the value in the Annual Report. The addendum A82 remaining balance must be coded to 10 B 936130 002. An additional miscellaneous error was created to check that A82 and 10B 936130 002 equal.