Please review that the fund and accounts you are reporting are correct per the WUFAR matrix. The Departmen of Public Instruction (DPI) authorizes the use of Fund 73, Fund 41, Fund 46 and the operational borrowing accounts. Contact a DPI auditor for authorization.
Click on an appropriate link for further information:
Fund 73 Document Requirements
Prior to reporting financial information, DPI requires certain documents be on file regarding the establishment of an employee benefit trust (Fund 73). An unauthorized account error will be generated when the required documentation has not been received. To correct the error, forward a copy of the following documents to dpifin@dpi.wi.gov:
- most recent actuarial valuation or other acceptable cost method calculation;
- Employee Benefit Trust Agreement including amendments;
- legal opinion; and
- board approval
Fund 41 Document Requirements
Prior to reporting financial information, DPI requires certain documents be on file regarding the establishment of a Capital Expansion Fund (Fund 41). An unauthorized account error will be generated when the required documentation has not been received. To correct the error, forward a copy of the following documents to dpifin@dpi.wi.gov:
- Resolution to establish the fund and initial tax levy (including annual meeting minutes).
Fund 46 Document Requirements
Prior to reporting financial information, DPI requires certain documents be on file regarding the establishment of a Long Term Capital Improvement Fund (Fund 46). An unauthorized account error will be generated when the required documentation has not been received. To correct the error, please forward a copy of the following documents to dpifin@dpi.wi.gov:
- official board minutes approving the long-term capital improvement plan;
- signed resolution creating the Long-term Capital Improvement Trust Fund or official minutes documenting the creation of the fund; and
- documentation that confirms the existence of a segregated bank/investment account
Operational Borrowing Accounts
DPI activates the operational borrowing accounts in the annual report for districts with this borrowing. Districts will not be able to submit an annual report with amounts reported in the operational borrowing accounts without DPI activation of these accounts. The operational borrowing accounts include 10R 873, 10R 874 and the 283000 functions. DPI will require copies of a board resolution to issue debt for operational borrowing and an amortization schedule to activate the accounts. Contact a DPI auditor if you need to have the operational borrowing accounts activated.