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WDF/WiSFiP Update (September 2023)

Friday, September 22, 2023

The purpose of this bulletin is to provide you an update on collections of actual data in WISEdata Finance (WDF) and Wisconsin School Finance Portal (WiSFiP). The collection of the actual data is used to calculate the October 15 General Aid.

This year has been a compressed timeline, and we appreciate your patience and understanding as we finalize our calculations. Yesterday, we turned on the Annual Report. Thank you to our programmers for making this a reality. The move to WDF/WiSFiP started 10 years ago as a vision and then a concept; it is now a reality.

While the deadline for submitting Annual Reports is September 22; we understand that districts need additional time so please submit them no later than September 29. 

The SFS team is now actively reaching out directly to districts and supporting them so that the reports can be submitted. 

For perspective, submitting the Annual Report is not a time intensive project as is was in the past, since most of the work will have already been completed by the time districts submit and certify the District Aid Certification.

Thank you to the audit firms who have begun reviewing and approving Auditor Aid Certification/Fund Balance. The amount of approvals has been significant in the past 48 hours. Once approved, districts will need to make adjustments per the audit firm review prior to being allowed to submit the Annual Report.

Once we finish this year’s aid certification calculation, we will reflect on the successes and how we can improve. We are hearing that districts are finding the product user friendly; our goals continue to make the process more efficient and more accurate.

This year has been a huge lift. Thank you.



For questions about this information, contact Mark Elworthy (608) 266-9534