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Changes in ESEA Monitoring for 2023-24

Monday, September 18, 2023


District Administrators and Elementary and Secondary Education Act Grant Contacts,

Over the years, we have made continual efforts to improve Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) monitoring and related supports. It is challenging, however, to improve and realign in deeper ways while the annual cycle of activities continues. This year we have decided to pause some of our regular activities to support a more rigorous cycle of evaluation and improvement. Specifically, we are pausing ESEA consolidated monitoring for the 2023-24 school year.

Here are some details about the pause in consolidated monitoring:

  • There will be no ESEA consolidated monitoring visits to districts in 2023-24. Visits will resume in 2024-25.
  • During 2023-24, Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) are still responsible for fulfilling all ESEA-related responsibilities and following all requirements, as outlined in the guidance document linked on this Department of Public Instruction (DPI) webpage:
  • Only ESEA consolidated monitoring is being paused. Targeted monitoring for private school equitable participation will continue during 2023-24, as will universal fiscal monitoring and our direct support for schools identified for Comprehensive Support and Interventions (CSI).

We believe that monitoring processes should be meaningful and place equity at the center, furthering the intent as well as the letter of ESEA as a law. We appreciate your support as we move toward greater alignment with that vision, and we hope you will continue to provide feedback over the next year.

We look forward to rolling out improved guidance and supports for 2024-25. If you have any questions, please contact


John W. Johnson, PhD
Deputy State Superintendent