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Link to Recording: August 5 Joint Webinar for Public Health and School Stakeholders

Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Dear District Administrators,

In case you missed the webinar last week held by the Department of Health Services and the Department of Public Instruction, the recording of this webinar can be found on the DHS COVID-19 Schools page under “Webinars for Local Public Health and School Stakeholders.”

For additional information, reference these resources and studies that were discussed by the webinar speakers.

Dr. Ryan Westergaard, DHS Chief Medical Officer:
Online Resources

Louise Wilson, DPI School Nurse Consultant:

DPI Online Resources

DHS encourages Wisconsin schools to learn more about COVID-19 testing and vaccination resources available for schools through the following links.

We appreciate everything you are doing as school leaders and leaders in public health to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Please continue to visit the DHS COVID-19 page and the DPI Information on COVID-19 page for updated information.

John W. Johnson, PhD
Deputy State Superintendent