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Time-sensitive: DHS Survey Regarding Vaccines

Friday, January 15, 2021

Dear District Administrators,

Please see time-sensitive and important information about vaccines from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services:

Wisconsin’s educators are included in the recommendations from the State Disaster Medical Advisory Committee (SDMAC) to be prioritized for the next round of vaccination in our state (Phase 1B). A final decision on these recommendations are anticipated by January 22. We are working with local and tribal public health agencies to ensure all school districts are part of a plan to have staff vaccinated as quickly and efficiently as possible.

There are a variety of avenues for providing vaccine to the education community including district partnerships with local health departments or medical clinics; through pharmacies; managing administration by your own staff; and/or coordinating with the state. To get everyone vaccinated as quickly as possible, we will need multiple avenues for vaccine available to our educators. Local and tribal public health are playing a key coordinating role in their communities. Regardless of the partner that ultimately provides vaccination services to a school district, school districts and involved partners should coordinate with their local and/or tribal public health agency regarding their plans for vaccination.

To facilitate our planning, this survey is being sent to public school districts to assess the number of staff needing to be vaccinated as we are exploring the possibility of using a network of pharmacies to assist us in this endeavor. In addition, we are asking you for a contact so we can keep you apprised of these efforts.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated! Because we are aiming to activate this program as soon as possible, we are asking for you to return this survey by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 20. We will keep you apprised of next steps over the coming weeks through the district contact you indicate within the survey.

If you have questions about this survey, please email Elias Baldino at

Survey link: