All web pages and other files on the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) website are copyrighted by the DPI. The material is for the noncommercial use of the education and library communities and the general public. The fair use guidelines of the U.S. copyright statutes apply to all material on the DPI website. Photographs and graphics on the DPI website are either the property of the department or the agency holds a license to use and display the material.
For copy or use of information on the DPI website that is outside of the fair use provisions of copyright law, please seek permission from the individual listed as responsible for the page or contact the department via the U.S. toll-free number listed on each page. If permission to reproduce or redistribute is granted, the following statement shall be included, "Reproduced with permission from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, 125 South Webster Street, Madison, WI 53702; (800) 441-4563."
This website contains links to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations. Those links and resources are provided for consideration and informational purposes only. While including these outside links on the DPI website, the DPI acknowledges that information contained on these sites is subject to change, and the opinions, positions, and policies are the reflection of the respective organizations' policies, and not official stances endorsed by the DPI.
Please feel welcome to link to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction homepage or any other web pages on the DPI website. Although we cannot require it, as a courtesy please notify the individual listed as being responsible for the web page when creating a link.
If you have any questions on using material on the DPI website or cannot identify the web page contact, please contact us.