In its second year, the Wisconsin Arts Celebration Project (WACP) continues to demonstrate the interconnectedness of the arts and the unique capacity it has to teach essential human capacities. The 2024 WACP centers on the theme of “Curiosity”. As Sir Ken Robinson once said, "If teachers can keep the flame of curiosity burning in children, then pretty much everything else will follow from that. Curiosity is the engine of achievement." Wisconsin Poet Laureate, Kimberly Blaeser, has crafted a poem entitled, "Cabinet of Curiosities" to reflect the essential nature of curiosity in learning and growing. This beautiful poem describing the awe and wonder of exploring this cabinet serves as the "touchpoint" for all of the other artistic creations including the following commissioned works:
In addition to these commissioned works, this year's project offers even more resources to schools, communities, and libraries. Lesson plans, based on the theme of Curiosity, have been created by these prominent Wisconsin arts educators and artists:
Special thanks to the UW-Stevens Point Music Department for performing and recording "Cabinet of Curiosities" by Andrew Boysen Jr. for this project.
The link to the music, poem, recordings, lesson plans, and materials can be found below. Please take these materials and use them in your schools, libraries, and communities. We encourage you to share artifacts, recordings, photos, and videos of students and community members using these resources so that we can celebrate with you while gauging the impact. Prior to using the materials, please consider registering with us so that we can better gauge impact. Registration is via Google Form and should take less than 30 seconds. Thank you in advance!
Project Links
Poem |
Music |
Dance |
Visual Art |
Theatre Production
Motion Graphic
Lesson Plans |
Biographies |