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Get Kids Ahead Initiative

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Dear District Administrators,

Thank you to those of you who have opted into the Get Kids Ahead (GKA) opportunity, aimed at supporting Comprehensive School Mental Health Systems (CSMHS) in schools and districts. I want to provide you with a few updates about the program.

To receive funds, we are asking districts and independent charter schools to complete the simple attestation on DOA’s portal by April 1, 2022. If public school districts and independent charter schools fail to complete the form by April 1, 2022, their allocation will be redistributed to the schools and districts who opted in.

The department recently stood up a new web page that contains helpful resources and information, including a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document that covers the common questions we are receiving. When you opt in to access the GKA Initiative funding, you will begin receiving communication regarding resources, tools, and additional opportunities for support in using these funds to help build a comprehensive school mental health system in your schools and districts.

Districts who have opted to date will be receiving their payment from the Department of Administration in the coming days. Guidance on how to account for and track those dollars will follow shortly after the payment is processed.

Thank you for your continued dedication to our learners and communities. If you have any questions about this program, please use to contact DPI staff.


John W. Johnson, PhD
Deputy State Superintendent